View Full Version : Pulled chest muscle?

04-06-09, 18:49
I just wonder has anyone ever experienced this problem.
I am 51, was doing some hip exercises on my bed,[ I think I moved my neck incorrectly or had it positioned incorrectly on the pillow. I was moving my knees one way and suddenly I got a feeling of a tear/break idk in my left side of my chest. I am female btw. It was that bad I immediately jumped off the bed. Everything seemed fine in a few minutes but next morning I felt crushed on the side I was laying on in bed. I was ok after getting up and carried on as usual, even did some exercises lifting some light weights before bed again. Next morning same thing happend I felt crushed and had a pain in my shoulder blade. I could breathe ok and the pain wasn't that bad in my shoulder just like a pull. I did notice though if I bent/reached up my chest felt sore. I rested. It's now the 4th day I don't have pain in my shoulder blade but still feel as though my muscle is pulled in my chest. Does anyone know how long if you pull a muscle in the chest it takes to heal? I don't have heart problems btw. Thanks :)

04-06-09, 21:22
hi mate it can take months to heal iv still got mine from swiming months on

05-06-09, 09:22
thanks, can I ask you did you take anything for it? like I'm using deep heat. Can you lift things ok? and I just wondered how long do people wait to rest before trying to do your usual life.

05-06-09, 09:42

Hell yeah hun. I can so relate to this. Been there, done that and OUCH!!!!
Firstly, have to been to the doctor? You will probably need an anti inflamitory and paracetamol.
When we pull a muscle, the muscle swells to protect itself which is where the pain comes from.
Go to your local chemist and explain what has happened and i am sure they will point you in the right direction regarding what to take for it.
Do NOT go lifting anything too heavy until all is well again as you will just be adding preasure to the muscle and delay recovery.

I have done this twice before so that's how i know what i am talking about. lol

Let us know how you get on
take care

05-06-09, 09:49
No, I haven't been to the doctor, another of my fears at the moment...but I'm pretty positive it was my muscle I pulled. I actually, used 4mg of diazapam (not recommended I know) but I have some of them for anxiety and I know they help as a muscle relaxant and deep heat. How long was it before you got back to feeling ok? lol.
Thanks for answering.
Teresa xx

05-06-09, 09:55
Hun you don't have to go to the doctor but try to manage the chemist.
You need an anti inflamitory like Ibuprofen to reduce the inflamation of the muscle and something like Paracetamol for the pain. Diazapam won't work a jot for a pulled muscle hun.
Mine got alot better in only a few days because when it happened, i called my GP and spoke to the practice nurse. It was her who told me what to do.
Hope this helps

05-06-09, 10:03
Oh thanks for that,
off to the chemist I go...lol.. actually I asked my husband to stay off work a few days because I didn't want to drive, so that's another job for him.
Thanks again xxx

05-06-09, 11:01
Let me know how you get on hun!! :hugs:
P.s and remember to take it easy!!

05-06-09, 11:07
I have this and i use deep frezze cream, ibprobhen and codine.

05-06-09, 14:27
Let me know how you get on hun!! :hugs:
P.s and remember to take it easy!!


Well, I rang the pharmacist and she suggested nurofen gel and rest. I have just used some,sent the hubby in for it...so hopefully..things will improve. thanks everyone...:hugs:

Desprate Dan
05-06-09, 15:53
I once pulled my chest were all the cartlidge and your ribs join to your chest bone, it was the most painful feeling i have ever encounted and lasted for months, because as you breath your rib cage expands and contracts so it never got any rest unless i stopped breathing..:scared15: i had to get on my hands and knees and brace myself if i was going to cough or sneeze as the pain was so bad such a sharp pain right though the center of my chest through to the back.. It was terrible, i hope your feeling better soon..:flowers:

05-06-09, 17:45
I once pulled my chest were all the cartlidge and your ribs join to your chest bone, it was the most painful feeling i have ever encounted and lasted for months, because as you breath your rib cage expands and contracts so it never got any rest unless i stopped breathing..:scared15: i had to get on my hands and knees and brace myself if i was going to cough or sneeze as the pain was so bad such a sharp pain right though the center of my chest through to the back.. It was terrible, i hope your feeling better soon..:flowers:

Hi thanks...:hugs:

Well, I have used the nurofen gel twice now and taken a diazapam to take my mind off it. Did your shoulder hurt at all? mine did but it's not as bad as the other day. I just wonder how must people did hurt their muscles and how did you manage your everyday tasks? thanks for the good wishes...