View Full Version : Do you think HA can have an impact on lymph nodes?

04-06-09, 08:22
I have trawled through all the posts on lymph nodes and found them so helpful. I am really struggling with keeping my HA in check as it is having a real impact on my partner.

I just wondered if people thought that HA can actually have a negative impact on lymph nodes?

I understand that they can come up, go down, sometimes stay up (had one in neck for 2 years) and I also understand that if I am feeling low then I am more prone to getting infections (as well as having a 3 year old daughter!!).

I am trying so hard just to get on with life and stop worrying, and I do for a short time but as soon as I think that I may have to have a blood test, the catastophic thoughts come back.

Any thoughts you may have would be really appreciated.

04-06-09, 11:04
I'm absolutely positive of it. I had swollen lymph nodes for 3 years because I was deathly afraid that I had contracted HIV. Once I stopped worrying about that (after a few tests), I never had a problem with it again. Unless I am sick with the flu, I never even think about my lymph nodes.

I still marvel over the fact that my brain did that to my body. I mean, I can see how the muscles can ache and headaches can occur, but swollen lymph nodes? But yes, I'm living proof that health anxiety can cause swollen lymph nodes. I'd be willing to bet once you get your HA in control your lymph nodes will no longer be swollen.

04-06-09, 12:54
Dear For our future, I've had HA fr about 2 years now and mildly longer than that, but only over the last two months have I started worrying about a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck. I had pneumonia in January 09 and have had so many shoot-off indications and little infections since then. I have tried to believe that the swollen node is leftover from the pneumonia and leave it alone. Since I've done this it has gotten a bit better, although sometimes a little soreness reminds me that it is still there. But my point is that the more I have (tried) to ignore it, the better it's gotten. When I first started obsessing about it, I was touching it all the time and it was the largest and most painful then. Good luck.

05-06-09, 09:45
Thank you both for the replies. It has really helped.x

10-06-09, 13:52
I had to reply to this one, as it is so true for me to. I had an obsession with HIV for about 2 years. The whole time I had swollen lymph nodes.. the more I poked and prodded them the worse they felt. In total I had swollen, painful lymph nodes in my neck and under my arms for about 18 months. In the end, when I finally had tests to exclude the possilbity of HIV, and was given the all clear - the lymph node problem went away.

So def. YES! your lymph nodes are affected by your HA. You may find also that you do poke them alot ( to see if they are up ) and that made mine worse I am sure. Our minds are so powerful they change sensations on all parts of our bodies. I didnt believe this was possible. I was sure that my 'lymph nodes couldn't lie' but they did!

Please try not to worry after reading all these posts. X

10-06-09, 14:36
Thanks Chrissie21. I plucked up the courage to ask my doctor to check them and she said they were fine, didn't even need to consider sending me for a blood test. I am hoping that this reassurance will last as I have already moved on to my next 'issue'. God I hate this HA it is so debilitating!

Thanks again