View Full Version : Can this be beaten w/o meds?

02-06-09, 21:56
I'm feeling really discouraged b/c I went for an appointment today with the psychiatrist and asked him if my anxiety and depression could be beaten w/o meds and he sent me home with Cymbalta. I am doing so much better lately and was hoping this was the beginning of the end. When I left I felt so depressed and down. Now I'm mad. It seems like they only want to put you on meds for everything. Has anyone been successful w/o meds? I was so bad at the first of the year I couldn't drive, leave my house, or stand to be alone. Now I'm driving and going places I never thought I would again. This just makes me feel like I'm not doing as good as I thought.
Thanks to anyone for listening or replying.

03-06-09, 00:34
Hi , I dont know about Cymbalta medication sorry , but i think you are doing really well managing to drive and get out again , Well done , i would ask my doctor for another opinion on the meds , but you are doing very well indeed , hope you get more advice take care d x :flowers:

03-06-09, 01:31

03-06-09, 04:45

I fear Meds are a bit like diets. Once you start you just cant stop. I keep giving mine back to the pharmacist and my doc keeps thinking I am doing really well on them and gives me more.

I some times fee; like I could do with one behind a piece of glass saying "break here in emergency!" but only as support in tough times.

All that said I do not suffer from depression badly.

Drugs make a lot of money and golfing holidays for many, its hard to believe the medical professions only motivation for prescribing is love for mankind.

On that note I shall depart....


03-06-09, 19:34
Thank all of you for replying. I hope everyones right that it can be beaten w/o meds. I cant stand the thoughts of taking meds again. I am trying so hard to do this. I just get down when I hear this from a Dr. and I guess I just need to keep trying and not take his word for fact. After all he's probably never been on meds. By the way, I threw the Cymbalta in the trash as soon as I got home.

04-06-09, 07:52
psychiatrists believe in medication. psychologists & councilors believe in retraining the mind with self expression & practice. That has been my experience.

04-06-09, 10:14
Yes it can, but it does take time and can be very tiring. My first few breakdowns when I was younger I managed without meds because I had the time to deal with it when I was in education. At uni I had 2.5 years of counselling which helped immensely.

Now I'm in the workplace I've gone on meds to help stabilise me and keep me in work, but am coming off them now as I am working with a counsellor again and making more progress. It's a long road and I'm aware I am always going to need to manage my depression and anxiety, I may even have to go on meds again in the future if my situation requires that support.

Ultimately for my situation I see meds as short term help so I can continue learning how to manage and minimise my depression and anxiety w/o relying on medication full time.


04-06-09, 10:46
i you feel you can cope with out the meds then fantastic go for it , besides you could always go back to meds if you feel that you are not able to do it with out them :)