View Full Version : 40 years old, 18 stone and pregnancy

02-06-09, 20:42
Hi all,

I am hoping to get pregnant again. Lived with HA for years, so have come/ weaning off of my tablets (spoken to doctor).

My concern is I am 40 on the 11th June and I weigh 18 stone. Im worried I will have a baby with downs etc ( beautiful lovely people though ). This will be child number 6. Oldest is 18, youngest is 5.

Does anyone have any experience on being 40+ and VERY overweight before pregnant. Thank you for your experiences.

As a worrier, I'm convinced there will be a problem with my baby, as there is no way I could have another and it be ok.!!!

Emma xx

08-06-09, 10:57
Hi Emma,

I don't have relevant experience re +40 overweigt etc but I do feel for you hun... whatever anxiety it is you're experiencing I can relate to the feelings of worry, particularly the irrational worrying...

But lets look at this from a positive angle for a moment...

You want another baby and you're over weight. You're worry is that the baby will have downs syndrome.

Ok.. First of all Look after number one and thats You... Pregnancy as you know can take its toll on your body. So before you start to try to have a baby, why not go to the doctor explain your situation and ask that he refer you to a Dietician.. ask about exercise routines you can do.. I'm not suggesting you go on a wonder woman circuit.. but at least shed some of the weight and get you're body in to a healthier and stronger position.

The downs syndrome issue is one all mothers face and all mothers fear. THe weight has little to do with it as opposed to your age and frankly its just a risk you'll have to take if you want another baby... But so what if the baby has downs. As you said they are beautiful lovely people... They are the angels sent to us to teach us how to love.. But keep in mind that it is still unlikely that your baby will have downs...

Besides nowadays there's all sorts of tests and observations they can make and do make when the expectant mother is over a certain age...

Above all else.. If you want a baby for the right reasons then you know deep down you will love the baby no matter what.. all of us want our children healthy and happy...

Do what you can to avoid problems and leave the rest to mother nature!

Hope this helps some how...

Big hugs

08-06-09, 15:36
Hi - I agree with GoingMadder, for a viable pregnancy you should try to lose a little of weight. It will help you conceive quicker too ( though lots of jiggy can be fun!). ANd it will also make pregnancy easier for you, less likely of complications and easier for you run after the exisiting kids.

Regardind Downs. Well a healthy size 10 25year old can have a Downs baby and it's not the end of the world. You'd just have to adjust your expectations for them. But we all know pregnancy is full of worry and you just have to take a deep breath, be sensible and get on with it.