View Full Version : help pls having strange sensations in my head

26-05-09, 23:18
hi everyone i suffer from anxiety alot but have been doing really good not having any attacks but today i have been feeling nasty with all of the normal symptoms but all of the sudden like 20 mins ago i started getting all of these weird feelings all over my head like tingling and warm and cold feelings and also like sharp pains i have never had this before and i dont like it because its bad enough already i think i have a brain tumor and this just makes it worse i know im probably just freakin out about this but its scary anyone else feel this way or simillar thanks so much:unsure:

27-05-09, 04:21
Hi there. I suffer from alot of anxiety too and all the other strange symptoms that come with it. I get alot of headaches and weird feelings in my head too, little indistinct pains that I couldn't really take to a doctor but that worry me. Since it's been happening for years now and nothing worse has occurred (ie the dreaded brain tumor) I realise it must be due to anxiety. Have you tried taking a head-ache pill and having a nap. I usually find this helps and if it's gone when I wake up I feel I don't have to worry about it anymore.

27-05-09, 11:23
Armanigurl, it is such a relief to read your post as I have been worried about this for a while! I made a post about it on this forum a month or two ago and was not reassured because nobody else seemed to have experienced it.

I find that I get these feelings during or, usually, just before a bad anxiety attack. I have spoken to my doctor, my counsellor and advisors at Mind about this and they all say they are "somatic symptoms" (physical feelings) caused by anxiety.

These feelings still bother me cos of the inevitable worries about brain tumour etc, but if my doctor isn't concerned, it can't be anything to worry about.