View Full Version : diazapam

juicy lucy
21-05-09, 09:28
hi my names lucy
i just want to ask a question, i suffer from panic disorder and agraphobia and am due to go on holiday next week with the family i am really nervous about going its the first time ive been abrord for 6 years i have been prescribed 2mg diazepam 3 times a day for 10 days but am really scared to take it i was thinking 1mg 2 times a day would this help? also would i become addicted to it after 10 days on this dose? any advise really would help thanksxxx

21-05-09, 11:08
Hi, First of all hope you have a nice holiday - i have PD and agro too and am going on my first abroad holiday in agggesss at the end of may!

you would not become addicted after 10 days, especially as 2mg isnt a massive dose....it takes many months to years.

If you think 1mg twice a day will work theres no harm in trying that, when i started taking diazepam in january the doctor prescribed me 5mg three times a day and i found this way too high and i spent most days asleep and feeling out of it...i ended up taking half a tablet (2.5mg) once a day and that allowed me to function and quite frankly changed my life!

What i do now is i take half a tablet and if im still in a state after an hour i take the other half, 80% of the time i dont have to take the other half and it nps the thing in the bud :) x

juicy lucy
21-05-09, 18:40
thanks for the reply are you nervous about going on holiday? i am dredding it my family dont even know about my problems so god help them if i freak out and want to come home, thats the thing i know i cant come home i booked this holiday last year and wish id never booked it should have gone to cornwall instead least i could come home if i needed to, i am hoping the diazapam will help take the edge of my panic feelings i have had 3 panic attacks this week just thinking about it, hope you have a nice holiday too!

21-05-09, 19:32
Hiya, yeah im really nervous about going - especially as im going by eurostar and my panic attacks have a history of being really really bad on trains :scared15: Im not taking any diazepam for the train either....at the end of the day i've told myself worst that can happen is i get panic attacks, gonna throw myself in at the deep end.

Im going with my boyfriend who i know will be annoyed if my anxiety plays up - so extra pressure there but feeling determined. Luckily my exams are giving me more panic attacks at the moment so i can't get pent up about the holiday as much!:doh:

Im sure you'll be fine with the diazepam, its an absolute lifesaver despite its bad press!

juicy lucy
22-05-09, 15:21
thanks for the information i will let you know how the holiday goes thats if i dont throw myself overboard (going on a cruise)

22-05-09, 15:43
Hi lucy,
That's a very low dose,and over a short time. You will be fine taking it, and it will probably help you enjoy the holiday more.
have a great time


22-05-09, 16:28
thanks for the information i will let you know how the holiday goes thats if i dont throw myself overboard (going on a cruise)

Have a good time, cruise sounds awsome! I wish i'd booked a boat across the channel! Im gonna be hundreds of meters under the sea in a leaky tunnel that sometimes catches fire (i think it did last year!) fun fun :yesyes: x

27-05-09, 01:11
I was prescibed 5mg 3 times a day 4 weeks ago when i did my back in,knowing how addictive it is i only took 5mg just at night,wow what a difference it has made to me as i was not sleeping having HA panic attacks during the night had no energy and was depressed. i have been on so many anti depressants over the years which havent helped.I feel so much happier now i have energy i even did gardening this weekend and i hate gardening. I now have halved the dosage and am hoping for a refill tomorrow just for a short time then am thinking about trying 5-HTP ,hope this helps anyone who is struggling with wether or not to take this drug but obviously with caution.:yesyes:

juicy lucy
11-06-09, 08:52
hi came back from my hoilday yesterday, it was brilliant! i had to take the diazepam a couple of times just the first couple of days i feel so proud of myself for taking this big step i havent been away from home for 5 years i am already thinking about next years holiday!! if i can do it anybody can.....

11-06-09, 09:40
nice one :O)

03-12-09, 21:54
I have learned that Diazapam can be totally addictive. Be careful... just take a small amount and take it only when you need it. It is highly addictive, but if you use it only when you need it, you'll be ok

05-12-09, 00:04
I was prescibed 5mg 3 times a day 4 weeks ago when i did my back in,knowing how addictive it is i only took 5mg just at night,wow what a difference it has made to me as i was not sleeping having HA panic attacks during the night had no energy and was depressed. i have been on so many anti depressants over the years which havent helped.I feel so much happier now i have energy i even did gardening this weekend and i hate gardening. I now have halved the dosage and am hoping for a refill tomorrow just for a short time then am thinking about trying 5-HTP ,hope this helps anyone who is struggling with wether or not to take this drug but obviously with caution.:yesyes:

I'm not a regular contributer here these days but was just passing and having read this thread thought I ought to chuck my two penneth in as this subject is close to my heart (no pun intended).
I have a history of heart disease and have suffered several heart attacks and coronary events over the past few years, in February 2008 my tension and anxiety became so severe that my cardiologist put me on 2mg Diaz. 4 times daily and 4mg at night if required,I to was scared to take it because of it's reputation of causing addiction,tolerance etc. so I started taking it at 2mg each day and increasing it to 4 mg on very bad days and I have say that for me it was a life saver.
In the past 12 months I've been admitted to several Hospitals and each time the Cardio's have had to write up the prescription for the duration of my stay and all of them have told me that there is usually no possibility of addiction or tolerance on less than 15mg per day,whilst in hospital I usually take 2mg 3 times a day and on good days I can reduce it to 1 mg per day.
Like shiraz ,it works for me and turned my life around,so don't be afraid to give it a try and just like any new relationship treat it with respect until you get to know each other better.

Best wishes.