View Full Version : So fed up. Can anyone help me?

20-05-09, 09:49
Im so anxious I don't know what to do again. I have to go out soon and don't know how to do it. I want to cry. I want this all to stop. I can't face another day with this. I nearly always feel better in the evening, but it's such a long day till then.......my day feels like a week at the moment.:weep:

20-05-09, 10:42
sorry to hear this judy, mornings were bad for me and used to wish the day away but it is improving, i dreaded 1st thing in morning when waking going to work and meeting people but did improve as the day went on and evenings seemed better for me aswell, putting things off made me worse i think, it is difficult and can understand what you saying, hope you feel better soon


claire m
20-05-09, 13:36
hi mojo im sorry you are feeling this way.
My anxiety is often at its peak in the afternoon and early evening and thats because in the morning i rush around after the kids and its only until i come to sit down that i get an overwhelming feeling of anxiety i try to distract myself but have to rest at sometime.
I would try simple relaxation methods like just getting some quiet time wherever you have to be, honestly mine sometimes in the loo as its the only place im guaranteed peace. :blush:
I just close my eyes and take some nice deep breathes and breathe out nice and slowly.
It is hard and you have my sympathies as it is a constant battle but keep your chin up.
Also as tetley said the chatroom is a good place to chat with people and it also can be a good place for some distraction.

20-05-09, 14:35
:hugs: :hugs: I feel so awful because there is nothing I can say to help:weep:
When i am like that i sit on the stairs by the door crying in frustration - 10 steps and i will be outside:ohmy:

Sometimes I can carry a tightly folded sheet of paper that i have copied about "how to cope with PAs" __this is my support- if i can get past a certain point on the street where i live, i can then put the paper in my pocket and convince myself I WILL BE OK!!!
Some times it doesn't work:blush: but i have to keep trying:yesyes: somedays i go out woth NO problem at all:yesyes:
Best wishes
:hugs: :hugs:

magpie girl
20-05-09, 16:57
Im the same as june, i check i have my paper bag,inhalor,gaviscon(incase of sudden reflux)then i convince myself the quicker im out the door the quicker i can get back into my comfort zone. I refuse to be a prisoner and ive come to the conclusion that if i do pass out well it will give people something to chat about over dinner

20-05-09, 21:14
Thank you all so much for your replies and support. It means a lot to know that people care enough to answer.:hugs:

I did go out and felt rotten but I spoke to myself all the time (not out loud!) and I made it through. I decided I wasn't going to collapse in a heap on the couch when I got in even though I wanted to. I did some housework and began to prepare things for a meal later (that's quite an achievement for me at the moment) I just kept telling myself to relax, slow down, not rush and I wouldn't collapse. My anxiety actually calmed a lot!!!! That's the first time I've managed to calm myself. Later I got a bit anxious again, but not as bad. I also had the depersonalization for a few hours. Havn't had that for a while, I don't know why it happened. Anyway, progress I suppose.
I may be on here tomorrow morning again begging for help. I know! That's the wrong attitude. Be positive.

Thank you all again.:hugs:

21-05-09, 09:48
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
WEll DONE for getting out
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Sometimes if i am a bit "up tight" in the house I sing to myself (in my head if i am not alone) and i prepare things and tidy up - as if to music.
Glide (like a hippo) into the kitchen put things down with a flourish:blush: :blush:
Sometimes it works VERY well :yesyes:
other times i feel a bit angry for having silly thoughts:mad:
BUT what ever gets you through the day:yesyes:
Best wishes

22-05-09, 03:55
For the morning..........

I just kept telling myself to relax, slow down, not rush and I wouldn't collapse. My anxiety actually calmed a lot!!!! That's the first time I've managed to calm myself.

Just to remind you that you've now managed it once so you can do it again....and again....and again.....if you Keep reminding yourself that you now Know how to calm yourself. Just takes practice and learning a new way of thinking to make habit for when anxiety tries to knock you back. Keep going and you'll get there!!!:bighug1: