View Full Version : lightheaded and off balance 24/7

15-05-09, 19:20
Hi all

Does anyone else have the lightheaded, off balance 24/7, i have a general lightheaded feeling constantly for months now, then often i get a movement feeling in my head which makes me think i am going to pass out, i am really struggling with going out at the moment, if i go out alone i am having panic attacks, i have been an anxious person for about 20 years, but this symptom is probably the worst for me, well along with the breathing problems i have, i am so tense all the time, i am finding it very hard to relax, as i am scared of becoming agoraphobic again, i do manage to work part time but am really struggling with that at the moment, i felt so lightheaded at work today i walked into a wall, that was really embarrassing, when i am walking i feel like im am walking as though drunk (I never drink because dont like being dizzy). i constantly feel on edge and nervous, even my toes are curled in my shoes when i am stood up i am so tense, i really need to learn to relax but it is hard to let go. Any advise would be appreciated.
Thank you for reading my post

15-05-09, 19:36
Hi Ann...
I too suffer from the same thing..It seems some days I can be perfectly fine but then there are times when the sensations in my head can last for days...maybe more so because I am constantly thinking about it.

I am also working part time and needed to take a leave of absence this month to help deal with my attacks..hopefully by time I need to go back my meds will have kicked in and I wont have to concentrate on feeling anxious and on edge..fingers crossed(X)

Hope yr feeling a bit better!

15-05-09, 20:37
Exactly the same Ann, it comes and goes, but when it comes it can last weeks. If you think about it, it stays, if you can take your mind elsewhere or fight it and ignore the feelings, it does go. Its the worse symptom for me as well, with exception of headaches. I can generally ignore the feeling of anxiousness now, but the dizzyness can be a real pain in the backside at times.

15-05-09, 22:11

I too have very similar symptoms. Dizziness/lightheadedness and the sensation that I'm drunk. :wacko: The disorientation that seems to be associated with the drunkness has caused me to run into doorjams and trip over things on an almost daily basis. Sometimes it really seems like I'm passing out for a tiny fraction of a second at random intervals, it's pretty uncomfortable! I am also a non-drinker, I've only been drunk once (back in college) and I hated it. I haven't had any alcohol in about 5 years! :noangel:

I actually started a post about it a week or two ago: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=48955

I'm not 100% sure that my issues are anxiety related, so I can't really reassure you there, but it is beginning to look like this is the case.

I'm still on my quest for cures/solutions/things to ease my symptoms but I can recommend deep (abdomen) breathing and listening to calming music. I make myself lay on the couch at least 2x every day for 10-15 minutes and do slow, deep breathing while listening to relaxing music. It has helped me to mentally calm myself. I'll let you know when I find more things that work! :)

Take care Ann,
