View Full Version : Hi I'm new

22-08-05, 19:33
Hi I'm a 29 year old bloke whose been putting up with depression and anxiety since I was 20. I don't know why! I have a very loving and supportive family, so no probs there. I live in a beautiful cottage in a really friendly village, I'm financially sound, I love music and I've taught myself to play various instruments over the years, I can cook well and I'm really enjoying growing my own vegetables in the my garden! Reading alot of other peoples posts I feel a bit feeble as I've never had the troubles that many of you have been through. But I stiill feel very down sometimes, to the point where I find it almost physically painfull to leave my house. and everytime I think I've got it licked it slaps me back in the face when I least expect it and am at my most vunerable.
I hope joining this forum will help me cope better.
I also hope that I can be of help to some of you.
Thankyou for taking the time to read my post.

love on ya!

22-08-05, 19:52
Hi babysquid

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-08-05, 19:53
Hiya Babysquid

You dont have to have loads of problems to get anxiety, mine come from nowhere 20 years ago I was very happy with my life ,just started with a panic attack in the street.
Anyway a big warm welcome to the site, everyone is so supportive here you will get lots of help

Barb xxxxxx

22-08-05, 19:53
hi and welcome -
we all have different experiences and that is what makes this a great place for information and support.
looking forward to chatting with ya

22-08-05, 19:54

Did you ever have any help for it ?

You may benefit from having a short course of CBT and really thrashing out your non apparant fears with a therapist.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-08-05, 19:57
Hi Babysquid

Welcome to the site



22-08-05, 20:01
Hi Babysquid

A big welcome to you.

Maybe see you in the chatroom sometime.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-08-05, 20:45
hi babysquid,

welcome to the site, as you can see people are here for many reasons, like me i never knew why my panics started as i had nothing to worry about, i do seem to have got through it now and hopefully for good, but one day at a time,

take care

kairen x

22-08-05, 21:15
Welcome to the site.

Panic attacks come in all shapes and sizes but are just as troubling.


23-08-05, 08:40
Hi Babysquid,

Welcome to NMP and I hope you find the support here you need. Its a great site so post away you'll always find some words of comfort and advice when needed.

Look forward to your posts

Sax xx[8D]

23-08-05, 08:46
Hi Babysquid

Love the name by the way!

Depression takes on many forms etc so we all understand how hard it is for you.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here, which I am sure we will be.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

23-08-05, 10:23
Hi Babysquid

A big warm welcome to you



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

23-08-05, 10:42
Hi Badysquid

Welcome to the forum it's a great place to be you will find loads of help and support [8D][8D][8D]

linda xx

23-08-05, 10:42
Babysquid you have the coolest name!

I'm quite similar to you in a few ways - I have a very loving family, I play piano (great help when I'm feeling particularly yuck!), I'm a teacher which I love doing, and yet I'm still in a right state! It's not fair is it?! I have suffered with panic, anxiety and mild depression for over 20 years now (and I'm now 30) so you are not alone.

Hey girls, this guy sounds like a woman's dream doesn't he?! Creative, can cook, what more could you want?!!!

(Only joking babysquid!)

Which instruments do you play?



23-08-05, 12:59
Hi Babysquid,
Welcome to the forum, i hope it helps you here it has helped me loads.
Pm me if you ever want a chat hun.
Take care
Love Trac:D

its "just a thought"

24-08-05, 13:18
hi babysquid
welcome to the forum
take care
michelle xxx

24-08-05, 16:24
Hey there babysquid, yes the name is definitely pretty cool. lol
I too have a very loving family for the most part. and it keeps doing that to me too, where I'm fine for awhile and then all the sudden im the deepest hole yet. Thats about where I am right now.

But I can tell you what everyone keeps telling me: you've beat once, you can beat it again. and one day it will be for good. [^]

much love


24-08-05, 16:53
Hi Babysquid,

A BIG WARM welcome to the site I do hope it helps you.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

28-08-05, 22:20
Wow!!! so many responses to my post. Thanks!

love on ya!