View Full Version : Please help, it won't go away !!

02-05-09, 09:20
I have an aching just under my ribs on both sides, but mostly right in the middle, it feels like it's coming from or behind that bone in the middle of my ribs. I seem to have a constantly fizzing tummy too. I now seemed to have developed back/leg ache and am not sleeping properly either.

Can anyone help?

02-05-09, 10:02
Hi! It's probably all caused by anxiety as we all know on here that demon can cause any amount of horrible feeling and aches and pains. However, if you are really worried why don't you phone NHS Direct and they can maybe put your mind at rest? After all that's what they are there for. good luck.

02-05-09, 11:11
Hi - I will merge the two posts about this together for you.

02-05-09, 13:12
I get this ache on my left rib several times with stress, comes and goes.


02-05-09, 19:26
i have the exact same pains i know its scary but if you say hey its just anx nothing more it will get better. for you sleep go see your GP and ask for ambien to help you sleep its done wonders for me...