View Full Version : Is it logical for me to be worrying about my health at..

14-04-09, 03:52
my age? i'm a 22 year old male and am constantly thinking i either have cancer or have heart problems. Any little bump or bruise will set me off into sheer terror. Any little skipped beat or chest pain makes me convinced i am having a heart attack or that my heart will suddenly stop beating. It is affecting my well being and every day life. It is draining me of energy and confidence. Let me know what you guys think of this

14-04-09, 09:31
Hi matt,

This sounds normal to me. Im a 20 year old female, and im convinced that my heart is just going to stop just because it skipped a beat.
I cut my finger the other day, and somehow convinced my self im going to get tetnas!
I know how you feel. It rules your life, and is very taxing on your energy.
But you have to think realisticaly. How many people of our age really die from serious diseases such as a heart attack?
Just take some deep breathes, and the fear will soon pass.

Hope this helps
Twinkle x

14-04-09, 11:46
Matt i am 23 female and i am constantly thinking like you do. It rules my life, i can't do anything, go out, work. Have you been to the doctors and spoke to him about how you are feeling? x

14-04-09, 11:48
Hey Matt,

It sounds like health anxiety to me, I suffer from this too, as do a lot of people on here; it is very common for people who suffer with anxiety. Have a look at some of the links on the left, hopefully they will help you like they did me.

Take care,

Danny xxx

14-04-09, 14:27
I'm 23, similar probs, though with a different focus - I don't worry about my heart, but my breathing and abdominal stuff drive me crazy. I'm right in the middle of things at the moment, I wish I had some advice but if I did I'd be using it on myself! But it might help to know you're not alone, and while I don't think it IS logical for us to be so worried, I don't think it's stupid either - it's just one of those things, we're anxious people, and we have to learn to deal with it.

Have you considered CBT? I have had only one introductory session so I can't really say yet whether it has helped me but I have heard positive things from other people.

Does anyone know whether we can post links to other useful websites here? I don't want to break the rules! But my CBT counsellor showed me a really good website that you can use for self-help, if someone can tell me that it's alright to post a link I will do so, hopefully other people will find it useful. It's different to this site - I find both helpful in different ways.

14-04-09, 15:53
Hi Matt, i know the feeling, im a 21 year old female and feel stupid for feeling like this...the weird thing is is that i have these rational thoughts in my head. like i know its anxiety thats causing me to feel like this..and lifes too short to worry about when its going to end...but that doesnt seem to help me not think these things...strange i suppose. but its nice to have this site to help us feel like were not alone. im new to all of this too, 2 months ago i didn't really worry at all about things like this....apart from flying...argh i hate flying lol xxxxx