View Full Version : hello

13-08-05, 21:23
hi, i just found this site today when I typed in the name of the medication I was put on: chlomipramine. I have a horrible itching problem with my OCD. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. I am obsessed with contamination, although not as bad as some of the others here, I recognize my problem and I want to take care of it. It is so hard to find people who understand this problem. I have been emotionally hurt many many times because of my clingy-ness or obsessiveness. I actually ruined a really good chance at love for myself recently, about 6 months ago, and Im still very pained. I am only 18, I have 3 younger brothers and sisters. My sisters are youngest ranging from 8 months to 3 years, and they really help get my mind off things sometimes. I also love animals because they're so great to have when you feel all alone. I hope this place helps me solve my problem, I realize that only I can do this for myself, but support is a great thing to have..
I have also had obsessive thoughts quite frequently about reading people and if they're lying or not. I hate being lied to since I am so straight forward. I hate waiting also, which is perhaps why it is so hard for me to deal easily with this issue.
I often use reading and learning to get my mind off things and immerse myself in another world for a while.

13-08-05, 21:47

We're not experts in OCD more of panic and anxiety but you're welcome here anyway ..

On our finding help page you will find the 2 OCD sites we find best.

Sorry to hear about your lost love

As well as your medication have you had any other help ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-08-05, 22:33
Hi Herblueness

Welcome to the forum. I also have problems with becoming obsessive about people leading to being clingy. Sorry to hear you lost your love due to this.

There are lots of friendly people here and I hope we can help and support you through this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-08-05, 22:40
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

13-08-05, 23:15
i guess there's a reason for everything. that is what i always try and tell myself. I also have anxiety when im in certain situations, when I dont have control mostly. I especially hate shopping even though I love it. There are always too many people around, I feel claustrophobic and like I need to get out NOW, or also in traffic. My biggest milestone with that was driving 500 miles to visit my family from the states to Canada. I needed to make the journey alone to prove myself as an adult. I was on edge the whole time.

I was seeing a psychiatrist but he got deployed overseas 2 years ago and I never made the effort to go back to another one... it makes me nervous talking to someone new like that, I have to tell them basically my whole past because I had some really messed up years this past decade. I'm trying to just turn everything into a life lesson so I never make the same mistake twice. My biggest feeling is regret, I try to suppress it but it always lurks under the surface.
I'm really strange because sometimes my symptoms don't show up as much... like when i'm sedated or reallllly tired, or just have a lazy day. It seems like situations make it worse. I've come pretty far without meds.. i actually have been off completely for 2 years now until today so i guess we'll see...

I can tell there are some very good people here, and I am glad to be part of something as helpful as this.. it just goes to show there are a lot of good people left in this world, even if you never meet them. I often have issues with making friends since I never learned how. I moved around every year of my life as an army brat..lol
wow that was long.. really sorry[}:)]

13-08-05, 23:51
It sounds like you have managed through all sorts of tough incidents and epidodes

**I also have anxiety when im in certain situations, when I dont have control mostly.** That goes for most anxiety sufferers

..and the feeling trapped is also very usual but can be controlled. I obsessively checked traffic reports before going anywhere and got off at the slightest hint of delay but now just do it and if I get stuck - its ok ..

Good for you for seeing it all with a good attititude - thats really helpful.

Instead of crying because you didn't - Smile because you still can ..............

**I'm really strange because sometimes my symptoms don't show up as much... like when i'm sedated or reallllly tired, or just have a lazy day.** This is entirely normal - its called stress symptoms. We each have different ones.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-08-05, 01:17
"Instead of crying because you didn't - Smile because you still can"
Thats really cool.. thanks :D
I used to be really pessimistic.. but I realized if I dwell on the bad things it hurts me as a person because there are usually positive points that are overlooked.. it helps to focus on the little piece of good, however small, that comes from everything.

14-08-05, 09:23
Welcome to the forum herblueness.

Kate x

14-08-05, 11:49
A big welcome to you!

Love Piglet[8D]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-08-05, 21:43
welcome herblueness



15-08-05, 17:04
welcome to the forum:D
you will find loads of help and advice and make some fab freinds
take care
michelle xxx

15-08-05, 18:56
A big warm welcome aboard the forum.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"