View Full Version : Bright Red Blood from Rectum - Terrified

17-03-09, 14:17
Sorry everyone, back passage problems and TERRIFIED! On Friday I had been experiencing alternating diarrhoea and constipation even worse than usual since coming off Lansoprazole (for stomach acid) two weeks ago. I have had IBS for years and also piles (sorry) and although Lansop was helping with acid reflux etc, I felt it was doing me more harm than good generally. After a few days of constipation I managed to go to the loo on Friday and also passed a lot of bright red blood and what looked like a tiny piece of liver (clot?) I know I've always heard that bright red blood usually means a ruptured pile or a fissure/lesion, but I'm worrying myself literally sick. So many of my family died of bowel cancer and I've got myself into a terrible state. I'm due to see my GP tomorrow to be examined, but if she says I have to have another colonoscopy I don't think I can face it. I've been experiencing the worst anxiety of my life - 55 years of it - over the last six months, I'm completely on my own and can't cope anymore. I did speak to doctor on Friday and she didn't seem concerned, but I don't really trust any of them. I know none of you are medical people, but need some reassurance to get me through until tomorrow. Thanks, Helen

17-03-09, 14:45
A month or so ago, i bled from the back passage when i passed a stool. It was painful the first time it happened and the water in the bowl was bright red. I was scared stiff but decided to leave it for a week to see if it still happened. Well it did carry on so i went to the doctor and she examined me and although she could not see anything she reckoned it was a fissure and gave me some suppositories. I had a think about my diet and remembered that i had been eating lots of sweets which i think made it difficult to pass stool. I changed my diet and over the following week had no more problems. A month on and i am almost back to normal. I am sure its nothing to worry about but your doing the right thing by going to the doctor. Good luck

17-03-09, 15:14
This happened to me almost on a daily basis when I had a pilonidal cyst. Although it's kind of disgusting (don't search pictures, just some text info) you might want to look it up just in case.