View Full Version : Another panic attack

06-03-09, 13:57
Just had another panic attack guys, it has been weeks maybe months since I last had one. Could anyone tell me if what they experience is the same as this.

Head has been aching all morning, but it suddenly went really dizzy and vibrating and buzzing and felt all hot. And also a lot of head pressure.
I had that awful feeling rising up from my stomach that makes you feel like you are trembling inside, and that awful fear right in the pit of your stomach.
Feeling sick and faint.
Feel like you wanna run away and scream.

Now that the worst has passed my head is still so sore and buzzing and the pressure is still there and now I just feel like crying. :weep:

06-03-09, 16:36
People experience panic in different ways but certainly what you are describing sounds very much to me like a panic attack. It may be that because you were already under the weather that your anxiety levels have increased to a level where you panicked.

I hope you feel better soon


06-03-09, 19:51

that sounds like a panic attack that i have.

love mandie x

Martin Ell
06-03-09, 20:46
If it's any consolation I have a lot of those symptoms too. Horrible isn't it? Especially the head pressure and dizziness. Hope you feel better soon! :D