View Full Version : how do i get off the treadmill

03-03-09, 13:12
my doc has said that my anxiety is caused in part by my lifestyle and i need to get off of the treadmill.let me explain i get up for work at 4 oclock to start at 5 i leave work at 2 get home by 2.20 and just have time to change and leave to pick my kids up from school by 3 and 3.15.i then get home and start their tea whilst they watch tv. as much as i love my kids they can be a handfull and seem to fight all the time.my wife gets home about 6.30 and i will usually cook our tea and not really sit down till about 7.15 by which time i am nackered and really ready to go to bed which is not usually later than 9.weekends my wife does an open university course on a saturday so i have the kids all day till she comes home at 5.sunday morning my boy does football training.i also have an invalid mother who needs shopping and errands running and although i have a brother and a sister they never help her and i do it because she is my mum and i cant see her go without.i very rarely have any time for myself and always seem to be doing things for other people.the obvious answer is get another job but this is impracticle because i need to be able to pick my kids up from school and a childminder would cost too much moneyso the time i start work is essential at the moment.it might seem that i moaning about my lot but i love my wife and kids,but my question is how do i get off this lifestyle treadmill ??

03-03-09, 20:17

Have you described to your family the same feelings that you have written here? If, as you explain, other members of your family could perhaps help out more, then that in my opinion would be the first port of call.

Remember, problems shared are problems reduced. Let others know that you need a hand.

04-03-09, 06:54
yeah you are right.thanks