View Full Version : thought i'd finished with crying

28-02-09, 21:34
i have been feeling a lot better lately, not perfect but getting there, however have been feeling really rough today, and tonight feel awful. My head is hurting and buzzing, racing, dizzy,. I feel all shaky and sick. I keep getting those awful shooting pains in my head again. I have got so upset with all this again I have been crying, I've had enough, I won't it to leave me alone now. how does anyone else cope with being ill all the time, or it returning with a vengeance out of the blue. Please tell me your stories, it would really help, thanks.

28-02-09, 23:33
i am sorry i do not have much help as far as getting through it, i just wanted you to know that i could have written your exact post myself today :(

what is your description of buzzy head and do you feel kind of foggy too?

01-03-09, 08:28
I have been having some better days as well, but last night got myself in a panic about pins and needles episode in my leg and foot( which was only because i was sitting in a funny position!) then started to feel my arm and hand tingling too!!!:ohmy: Started to think "maybe this time it is a stroke" managed to sleep but woke up really early feeling worse than I have for ages. Common sense tells me it's nothing, but my mind is telling me otherwise.
I know it's often been mentioned on here, but I really find the Claire Weekes book "Self help with your nerves" a fantastic book. It explains everything you feel, all the odd symptoms and how to deal with them.
Most of the time when I do what she suggests it really does work. The biggest thing is not fighting the feelings but letting them come and saying "so What? I've come through it before and nothing awful has happened. I'm still here." Fighting any of it just increases the fear and feelings. I know that's what we all want to do but it's so wrong. Anyway, if you havn't read the book, get a hold of a copy. I'm sure it will help.
Sorry for the long rant!!!:wacko: