View Full Version : Memory-loss, normal?

27-02-09, 19:06
Hello all :)

Sorry, I posted this under the wrong section before. Here goes:

I've had anxiety for about 3 months now, going up and down, but lately one of my symptoms (if that is what it is?) have been getting worse. I wonder if any of you also struggle with memory-loss, an elusive sense of time and going off into reveries/thought-streams constantly?

For instance, I can remember situations, but I can't pin point when they happened - today, I remember having a conversation with one of my friends, but I couldn't remember if it occured yesterday or a week ago. It's scaring me! Also, I seem to be lost in my own thoughts all the time. If I go to the kitchen to get something, when I arrive, I forgot what it was that I came for.

Is this normal and if so, what can I do to prevent it? Any help is greatly appreciated!


27-02-09, 19:12

Yes you are not alone with this.

Scroll down and read the "similar threads" as well

27-02-09, 19:47

Thanks for the reply! - sorry I didn't check on the forums, I was just so anxious. This site truly is a lifesaver!

27-02-09, 21:04
Hi there yes I believe that some memory loss is normal. If you are stressed it is easy to go from one room to the next and not remember what it was you went in for. Some memory loss is directly age related some due to illness like dementia. I take lithium and that is attributed to memory loss. I struggle to put names to faces but usually the information is there it takes a while for me to recall it. Are you taking any meds that could cause this? ECT also is notorious for causing short term memory loss. If it is really troubling you then I would have word with your GP.