View Full Version : I need answer please!!!! (for girls only)

18-02-09, 15:42
I'm freaking out right now!
It's about cervical cancer...
I everyday check everything in my body, and today it happened that I was checking down there.
I just wanted to check if everything was fine inside.
I felt a 'golf size' thing at the cervix or I think. Do you think it's possible with a finger to touch a cervical cancer?
I feel so embarrassed to talk about these things, I'm sorry. But I seriously need an answer. I'm going to have a smear next week.
I need some reassurance. Does any of you feel what I feel?
I just don't want to die!! I'm getting married in April, I want to live and be happy

Vanilla Sky
18-02-09, 15:54
Hi melody was just in chat hope u ok hon. No u cant feel cervical cancer you probably just felt the neck of the cervic. You will feel better once youv had ur smear stop worrying,all the media about jade goody wont be helping, youl be fine hon x x

18-02-09, 15:56
I cannot touch my cervix, though I know a few women that can do this. Apparently the cervix lowers when you are due on and is higher when you ovulate. I know my nurse likes to do a smear test a week before you start your period as it means it has moved down a bit and is easier to smear. you may have actually touched your cervix, which apparently is described as a smooth ball with a dimple in it.

If you are worried, then its best to go get it checked out :)

18-02-09, 17:08
How I love this website! And all of you!
I was really worried for something that it could be normal. I really hope what I felt it was normal.
I was freaking out with all the people that I know on the phone, and your messages really did calmed me down. Thanks for your support. I was really scared, I don't think I've never been so scared before.
Thanks a lot.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

24-02-09, 23:04
Its so easy to get worried about these things. in a way its kinda good that ur concerned about these things. enough people never go for a check up (including me). im sure its absolutely nothing x:)