View Full Version : Dreams and general fear of heart attack

11-02-09, 07:15

This is my first post to this forum. I've been trying to find a post to see if somebody else is having the same issue. I'm 25 and I started having panic attacks and anxiety about 3/4 years ago, after a long time of physical and emotional stress.

I remember the first time it happened was at the end of my shift. I had no idea what was going on and they took me to the hospital, where they discharged me with Hyperventilation. However before I got discharged doctor told me they've checked if I maybe had heart attack (which ofcourse I didn't). And I was 22 at the time and I got so scared. Ever since that day I have such a fear of heart attack. I mean I see it everywhere. If there's a TV show they have heart attacks in it, if it's movie, book and I even once in a while dream of heart attack (like last night). However I don't dream it is me having it, but somebody else and I'm observer.

I just can't seem to just let it go. I had numerous ECG, ultrasound and blood tests and all are negative. But I keep thinking about it. Everytime I get pain in chest or arm or anything I think heart attack.

Luckily I don't have a lot of panic attacks anymore but I still feel anxious alot of times and this fear of heart attack is driving me crazy.

Does anybody else keep seeing "signs" of heart attack everywhere or is it just me?

Thank you and sorry for a long post

11-02-09, 14:18
Please dont fear a heart attack. I know it is easier said than done but you are young and have had tests done and the worrying does no good for you. It seems that they show heart attacks on tv alot because you are very tuned into them. Once you now longer have a fear of them, you wont notice tham as much. Take time to appreciate that your heart is healthy and beating strong in your chest. When I was going through the "heart" phase, I would excersise like crazy to bring my heart rate up and see if anything would happen, like fainting or having a heart attack, of course nothing happened. You have to not fear it anymore for the fear to go away. You can do this. Take care.:hugs:

16-02-09, 20:53
Thank you gtrgrl. I know I'm overly attuned to it. I overobsess about my heart rate and I just get pictures in my mind. Just I guess the regular thing everybody on here probably has. But still. I so wish I was like before everything. Just cool nothing bothered me. Now it seems like every little thing becomes an elephant :(
Thank you again

17-02-09, 12:10
You need to try and retrain your brain to think about your heart normally. If you feel your raised heart rate and start to worry just rationalise *why* you have the raised heart rate - have you been exercising? Have you just had a stretch? Or maybe it's even just fear getting in a vicious circle.

Also when watching TV etc, just keep telling your self about the check ups you have had and how good the results where and how young and healthy your heart is.

Gradually what your consious is telling your unconcious will start to sink in and your fears will subside.