View Full Version : over analysing?

27-01-09, 21:00
hi I realise that a lot of my anxiety is caused by over analysing everything, especially in relationships,

does anyone have a good techniques for dealing with this problem?

Veronica H
28-01-09, 09:52
:) Hi Dave
this 'what if' and negative thinking is what fuels panic anxiety and is the hardest in my opinion to overcome. A CBT course would help you to look at the way you think. There is a good book by Helen Kennerley called Overcoming Anxiety, which is proving very useful in helping to challenge these thoughts.It is published by Robinson ISBN 978-1-85487-422-1.

Best wishes

28-01-09, 13:35
Hi Dave, I have always been an over analyser too. Have been for years. And I have also had anxiety, in fact I have had it 4 times in 30 years!! I even read somewhere that people like us are more prone to anxiety. I thought that it was certainly true in my case. I may have a look at the library and see if they have got the Helen Kennerley book. If not, they may be able to order it.

Best Wishes

28-01-09, 15:10
Hey Dave...I am there with you. I analyse just about everything. This sometimes leads to panic attacks and shaking/trembling. It's hard to me to maintain relationships of any sort (although I currently have a very understanding boyfriend...but no friends!). I, too, was wondering what kind of tips/tricks that people apply to help with this?

With regards to what Veronica said, I am very interested in CBT as I think it would be quite beneficial.

28-01-09, 17:28
I over analyse everything! Absolutely everything. :doh:

29-01-09, 08:06
yep hands up me to! It actually drives me totally insane! Would love to know how to control it because ever since life has gotten a bit more trying my friend in my head won't shut up!

Paul goforit
29-01-09, 09:58
I used to think 'over analysing' was normal.............2 failed marriages, and very few friends is probably a testament to this.

Even now when I know I shouldnt.............I still do.

I tell myself to 'STOP', and try to focus elsewhere..........

Maybe not everyone is 'out to get me'.........LOL


29-01-09, 17:24
thanks for replies,,

I have tried CBT, it does help, I guess if we have awareness of our
over analysing, then we can do something about it.

A case of aware of start of analysing thoughts, STOP, refocus on the here and now, the present moment.

this link helps describe some of the thought processes we can be stuck with



could have said it better, so relate to your life...