View Full Version : Does anyone ever feel resentful or jealous

09-07-05, 14:17
of those who don't suffer?? I find myself wondering what it must be like to live a life free from this, then I start feeling resentful of those who do. I know that sounds terrible, but I just can't help it.

09-07-05, 14:29
Hi Sickofit

I know exactly what you mean...after all we deserve to live a better life as much as anybody else.
You're definitely not alone feeling that way.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

09-07-05, 16:07
I know what you mean. It really frustrates me sometimes, especially when people don't understand what we go through..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

09-07-05, 18:27
I know exactly what you mean, especially when peole say, pull yourself together and get yourself out. If it were that easy no one would suffer from anxiety would they. I think you can only understand how difficult it actually is to 'pull yourself together', if you suffer from it. The trouble is we look perfectly 'normal', so people tend to think well you look ok, so you must be ok. Pass the anxiety to them for a day and then they would understand exactly how hard it actually is.
Take Care

09-07-05, 21:56
I wish I could do half the stuff that others do that don't suffer so yeah I agree with you.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-07-05, 23:37
I know how you feel and i have felt it so you are not alone. I felt guilty for feeling it but it never took those feelings away. But i have learnt now but trust me it took a long time.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-07-05, 23:50
Oh yes it can be so frustrating when people don't understand huh! Or they say those dreaded pull yourself together words. and your like I would if I could don't you think i'm ****** trying! LOL

We just got to learn to accept as best we can huh!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

09-07-05, 23:56
yeah I did a post on this a couple of weeks ago. I know how you feel and dont know how people can look forward to nights out and holidays without freaking out. Although this sounds terrible I sometimes wish they could suffer just for ine day so they understand how serious panic is

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

10-07-05, 13:23
If my friends are doing something or would like me there for support then I feel bad, if someone is further along recovery then me i get a bit down in the dumps sometimes as they are all excited etc and I wish it was me so yeah ur not alone! But there's always hope! sadly though it's a never ending battle to get people 2 understand!! Lauren

10-07-05, 21:26
from Blossom

You are not alone when you wish you were like other people, and envy them, I know its not a nice thing to do, but the bad feelings of panic, make one think such things.
Some mornings, I watch my neighbour get into her car to go to work, and the thousands of times, I have wished I was like her.
Mine did go away for a bit, and I was able to get out, but with someone, but five years ago, was taken off seroxat cold turkey, and had to be put back on them for a year and was weaned off over 8 weeks.
Still not been able to do anything since, not even can stay alone in the house alone. Not been able to get out for a while now, snd keep thinking, Will It always be like this now. Sorry to sound sorry for myself, but its very hard to not envy others. from Blossom

11-07-05, 03:30
Yep I know just what you mean Sickofit.

I see families with perfect children, who behave and do well at school, and I feel resentful because both my boys have special needs.

I see people with children who pack them off for the weekend while they go out and get drunk and have a break. and I feel resentful because I have no family who can look after my children for me and so my husband and I struggle on.

I see people going out and having fun and they don't seem to worry about getting on a bus or going far from home and I resent that too.

So yeah I guess it is more common than you think.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

11-07-05, 12:02
I know exactly how this feels

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

11-07-05, 22:23
hi i feel like that towards people too, espesially when i see people abusing their bodys by taking drugs and all sorts, im just like they should be so grateful for they have the choice to lead a great life and they are just taking advantage of it. i feel that when i get "better" i am going to be forever grateful and savour every moment of my life and the time i have with my hubby and kids.


12-07-05, 09:20
RESENTFUL yes for feeling on a treadmil of anxiety and panic STUPID for all of my life being ok up until the end of last year when panic started. MAD becuase i feel sometimes WHY ME!!!!

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx