View Full Version : Ultrasound results, sort of

20-01-09, 10:38
I had my pelvic ultrasound today (re:lump) and though the ultrasound doctor didn't officially give me the results, I heard her mumble "everything looks normal". I take that as a good sign, but it's another few weeks before I get the results through the GP.
Do you guys think I should relax now and just accept whatever my GP decides is best from now on, or shall I carry on with freaking out and reading stories on how ultrasound is not good enough for finding tumours, and how GPs often miss serious illnesses etc...??? So often I can't decide which is a justified fear and which is just my HA talking.:doh:
In the last year I have had:
- 3 GP visits (2 different doctors), that involved manual examination of my abdomen (couldn't feel anything)
- 1 vaginal exam (normal size ovaries etc)
- 1 abdominal ultrasound (negative)
- 1 pelvic ultrasound (today's one, I assume it's negative?)
- 1 thorough blood test (no anaemia etc, everything normal)
- 1 tumour marker stool test for bowel cancer (negative).

Do you think I should press on for a CT, MRI, colonoscopy etc or shall I just try to live my life and only go to tests if my GP suggests it?
How many of you trust the system in general? :shrug:

20-01-09, 10:45
Hi Amu,

What makes you think that you have a tumour? Can you feel something? Or is it general feeling that all is not well? Do you feel unwell?
I think you've had a pretty thorough set of tests and examinations.
I would hope that if there was something wrong that it would have shown up.

20-01-09, 11:19
My right side seems a bit swollen compared to the left, and I can feel a lump with my hand, but my doctors can't feel it. It's not there all the time, but most of the time it is. If it was cancer it would have to be big and advanced for it to be visible, but the full abdominal ultrasound didn't show anything - I guess it can't pick up little things, but it must show something big, right?

I have been worried about bowel cancer as my father died of it at the age of 49 after having no symptoms whatsoever. On a Friday we found out he had bowel cancer, the following Wednesday he died. This is what caused my health anxiety, and this is why I had the specific bowel cancer test done (available only through private care in some European countries, but not in the UK, so I had to do it in my home country), but it came back negative.

20-01-09, 12:06
Dear Amu, I totally understand what triggered your health anxiety and how you fear you may end up in the same situation as your father, but with all the tests, examinations and investigations you have had, there is no way you are suffering with bowel cancer. NO WAY! Bear in mind that although your father presumably had all the tests when he was diagnosed and did sadly die, you have had the same investigations and nothing has been found! Focus on that - nothing has been found. You have been confirmed to be well.

The terrible thing about HA is that we don't believe reassurance, or if we do, it is only very short-lived, and then we are straight back to "but what if... and could they have missed something... etc etc" We all do it, that's why we are posting here! :blush:

I do think, though, that you can totally relax as far as bowel cancer go. Fight the urge to check for that lump. The fact that it is not there all the time does suggest that it is only matter passing through your bowel that you can feel. Why don't you try saying to yourself that for the time being you are going to believe the various medical experts who have told you that you are well, but that you will pay for another private tumour marker test in six months if you are still worried. That way you leave yourself a little safety net for further reassurance, but you may find that you have been able to let go of this particular worry. This is a strategy that has worked for me in the past with mammograms and breast ultrasounds.

Enjoy your good health! Best wishes from Annie

20-01-09, 12:06
I had my pelvic ultrasound today (re:lump) and though the ultrasound doctor didn't officially give me the results, I heard her mumble "everything looks normal". I take that as a good sign, but it's another few weeks before I get the results through the GP.
Do you guys think I should relax now and just accept whatever my GP decides is best from now on, or shall I carry on with freaking out and reading stories on how ultrasound is not good enough for finding tumours, and how GPs often miss serious illnesses etc...??? So often I can't decide which is a justified fear and which is just my HA talking.:doh:
In the last year I have had:
- 3 GP visits (2 different doctors), that involved manual examination of my abdomen (couldn't feel anything)
- 1 vaginal exam (normal size ovaries etc)
- 1 abdominal ultrasound (negative)
- 1 pelvic ultrasound (today's one, I assume it's negative?)
- 1 thorough blood test (no anaemia etc, everything normal)
- 1 tumour marker stool test for bowel cancer (negative).

Do you think I should press on for a CT, MRI, colonoscopy etc or shall I just try to live my life and only go to tests if my GP suggests it?
How many of you trust the system in general? :shrug:

I think you should get on with your life and forget about anymore test.

Over 30 years ago I had a pain in my right side (near to my appendix) when pressed or when I sneezed. I still have it but I have never bothered to tell the doctor. It might be a small hernia I don't know but why worry anyway?

Life is too short to spend time in and out the doctors and hospital having tests get out and have fun.:yesyes:

20-01-09, 15:43
Thanks Annie, your post really moved me and yes, it's a good idea to have a sort of "worry break"...
And Trixie, indeed life is short... and HA can really ruin the whole thing. I've really had enough of it now!:mad:

20-01-09, 18:25
Thanks Annie, your post really moved me and yes, it's a good idea to have a sort of "worry break"...
And Trixie, indeed life is short... and HA can really ruin the whole thing. I've really had enough of it now!:mad:

Go to it then, you know you can do it.....................:roflmao:

20-01-09, 19:24
also as you said you feel a lump some of the time but not all of the time - cancerous lumps dont come and go. the right side of my abdomen is also slightly larger than the left side.

20-01-09, 22:10
I assume you are a thin person - us fatties would never be able to tell if one side was bigger than the other unless it was football sized:D . Joking aside and hope you don't mind - if your pelvic ultrasound was not normal your Dr would be told immediately and he would contact you fast - I worked at a Dr's so know the system.

If you are thin then you may just be feeling bits of your bowel as it movese verything around.

My aunty is very thin and one day laying on her back in bed she pressed on her stomach and felt a lump she rushed to Dr's and showed him and when he stopped laughing ( much to her embarassement) he told her she was feeling the knobbles on her spine- boy was she relieved and embarrassed.

21-01-09, 20:50
Wow she must have pressed deep:) I'm not very-very thin, but the fat is concentrated on my bum/hips/thighs rather than my belly.:blush:

22-01-09, 11:19
amu wrote
In the last year I have had:
- 3 GP visits (2 different doctors), that involved manual examination of my abdomen (couldn't feel anything) I went 3 times a week
- 1 vaginal exam (normal size ovaries etc) twice in last year
- 1 abdominal ultrasound (negative) going next week
- 1 pelvic ultrasound (today's one, I assume it's negative?)same - next week
- 1 thorough blood test (no anaemia etc, everything normal) every 12 months
- 1 tumour marker stool test for bowel cancer (negative).2 in last 12 months - one a government programme - one my doc organised.
There is (in my mind) always something wrong:ohmy: somewhere between ribs and pelvic bone:ohmy: Even at the moment i am sick with worry - i bent forward yesterday and had very sharp pain in the soft bit under the ribs. I feel frantic that i must have damaged something. I am fighting myself with embarrassment I just can not visit my doc again!!!!!!! I am so grateful for their help i now feel that i am wasting their time and its breaking ny heart.
I would say that I DO trust them BUT my brain is always YES BUT WHAT IF????? I am always OK - till the next time:blush:

22-01-09, 18:37
I had a pelvic and abdominal ultrasound in June. The lady who did it said everything looked very normal- liver, kidneys, tummy, pancreas, spleen, lady organs...I didn't believe her. LOL! I came back an even bigger mess after the ultrasound. The doc gave me the report and said well have a nice day. I read it and it was true...everything was indeed fine!