View Full Version : question about anxiety help

18-01-09, 12:01
hi im not to sure about this if i list my symptoms maybe some one could help ok i get butterflys in my stomach, come over hot flushes feel unreal,feel something bad is happening but i dont have breathing problems with it although my heart feels its going a bit quick comes on fast last for about an hour some times less start crying some times then feel the need to run of but carnt feel scared beyond belief:lac: im on citalepram and propanonol they do help just wanted to know if anyone else gets like this xxxxxx

tanya 1
18-01-09, 12:04
hi charlish,
yes i feel like this when i think im going to have a panic attack or if im really anxious how long have you felt like this for ?
tanya 1 x:)

18-01-09, 12:08
hi only when one is coming on really i panic about having a panic attack i get so worked up they come on so fast dont they then bang you loose control even though you know to breath slow down some times thats so hard to do x

tanya 1
18-01-09, 12:11
i know it is really hard,i find that if i try to distract myself then try breathing into my stomach instead of my chest then that helps,when do you get these feelings is it in certain situations outside the home or is it at home ?
tanya 1 x

18-01-09, 12:29
t happens any where really it comes on out of the blue i think its because its always at the back of my head what if i have a panic attack then it seems to happen more so if im out and about x