View Full Version : foggy head/light-headed

17-01-09, 17:55
hi everyone, i have not posted anything for a while as not been feeling too bad., but this week have started to feel really rough again. main problem this flaming foggy/light-headed feeling that i cant shift as well as headache and pressure round eyes. its a vicious circle the more i get lightheaded the more i get anxious the more anxious i get teh more lightheaded i get. also had a couple of panic attacks this week over absolutly nothing. sitting here close to tears cos i really can't stand this horrible feeling and don't know how to deal with it. any suggestions welcome:)

17-01-09, 18:14
cant give you any suggestions im afraid, but just like to let you know im in the same boat too!

I think the 'foggy head' is probably my worst symptom because its every b****y time im at work, and carries on when i get home so i feel awful constantly nearly!

Sorry to hear you're felling so low, just try and remember it wont always be like this (although its very hard to believe sometimes)

17-01-09, 18:22
thanks for reply like you symptoms last most of the day and when i am at work are a real pain just trying to concentrate is a joke. i know it will go again but probably like you get really fed up with it. keep well:)

17-01-09, 18:30
Hi there, I have already posted this link on here today but I will post it again. I am thinking that you are feeling the same as I have done for ages. Like you are spaced out, not really here, in "dream state" or something. If so its known as depersonalisation/Unreality and if you go to www.anxietynomore.co.uk (http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk) you will see depersonalisation at the bottom of the home page. Click on it and it will take you to an article that may help take some of the fear out if it for you. If you are not feeling this way, then the whole site is good anyway for anxiety/panic sufferers.

Take Care