View Full Version : Starting to think i dont have anxiety =[ HELP!?

12-01-09, 20:49

ive been posting a few things on here now for a few weeks... on new years day i had the worse panic of my life and was taken to hospital were i was in AnE for hours thinking i was dying and having a heart attack. They did an xray and blood tests for my heart and kidneys also an ECG and found nothing, they said it was down to acid reflux ect.

im stil getting breathless and feel like my chests heavy and or someones pushin against it.

other symptoms include:

headaches ( which dont seem to go when i take paracetamol )
face preasure ( which seems to be under my eyes/above my cheek bone) seems to feel like a numbness maybe?
back pain
abdo pain ( they said i MIGHT have IBS and gave me some tabs which dont seem to be working
feeling sick ( seems to be mainly in the morning )
tingling sensation ( mainly in arms ) but has been known to be in diffrent parts of the body
vision seems slightly blury
constantly tired
muscul pain
chest pains
back/shoulder pain

there are a few more that come and go, but it just feels like its not anxiety and that theres REALLY something seriously wrong with me.
I'll also include that ive had high bp sinse my pregnacy, had my baby 2 months ago and it hasnt gone back down, but tests they have none have showed nothing is wrong. so im worrying like hell about that, duno if its all my anxiety or my hormones are still everywere?
do you think it could be something else other that IBS? been on these tabs for over a month and things seem to be getting worse. seem to get pain before i go to the toilet as well then when i go i feel better.. strange i know but the pains not very nice.
but yeah i REALLY need some reasurance, i just dunno what to do or think anymore.
Thanx for reading this
Jo x

12-01-09, 22:05
Hey jo,

I'm not medical man but i wouldn't mind guessing that all those symptoms are simply anxiety - you have been tested for anything major and you would not be allowed home if they thought you were not up to it regardless what the media say.

Try to relax love, the toilet thing that makes you relax a bit more is because its stress releif, sat there queit on your own.

Drop those shoulders and drop the tension.

Try not to worry, i know its easy to say.


13-01-09, 11:27
hey derek,

thanx for the reply, im still worrying like hell though. even going to go doctors later, think its just for peice of mind

jo x

13-01-09, 11:29
How are you feeling now - have any of the symptoms gone?

13-01-09, 11:36
Hi joebear, I suffer with all of the above you metioned. I have 2 kids who are now nearly6 and 2. I have had this since I had children. The doctor told me it was hormonal. What after 5 yrs?? Well this was a while ago. I think what he ment was at certain times of the month it can be worse, which it can be. Try not to worry, I know easier said that done .lol. It takes time to ajust being a new mum, It can be very stressful. Just make sure you have people there to help an support you. take care xx

13-01-09, 11:40
hey henry

at the moment im gettin this face preasure which is really getting to me =[

did you get high bp to?

jo x

13-01-09, 11:51
Hey - I know its awful isent it - I get most of your symptoms and mine come and go etc and there seems no answer to it - I wish I could help more but anxiety does make all my symptoms worse!

13-01-09, 12:00
anno its just making me so down at the moment i dont even wana go out incase something happens.
do you get that face preasure to? i think its awfull

jo x

13-01-09, 12:04
Yes get the face pressure and hate it - I also never want to go out in case it happens - went to the shop earlier and what a perfomance I went through to leave the house

13-01-09, 16:27
Hi Jo,

I too ended up in hospital with exactly the same symptoms as you - my partner took me in at 10pm and it was 4am when we got home after being told it was simply anxiety! i then felt awful for keeping my partner up until that time when we were both working :blush:
The hospital then called me back to do a treadmill test so it started all over again as i thought there MUST be something wrong, but there wasnt and eventually it calmed down.

I know exactly how you feel it is just awful.

Thinking of you :bighug1:

13-01-09, 17:14
Jo & All,

I have been to hospital before with other symptoms that 'could' be real - but never have been ~ i have never been felt to feel like an idiot by anyone, and if i were then they would be told what i think. This is a medical problem after all were not all just 'nuts', just look around you on here, there are rather a few.

You MUST try and get things into order here, the chances of having something bad wrong are quite slim, i worry about cancer (don't we all?) yet i still smoke a bit, and those toxins play hell with an anxious person....

Its terrible, i know first hand it is, but one day at a time, there's no rush to force yourself into an answer ~ my opinion that makes it another vicous circle!

Sounds to me that post birth women seem to have similar problems, something i certainly am inadequate to comment on (aside from having a super-chilled miss's!! lol)


13-01-09, 17:18

yeah i got home round 4am to! i also felt horrible for keeping my bf awake he had work next day =[
glad your ok though, even though they do loads of tests it puts your mind at rest for a while but its always still there isnt it!

Jo x

13-01-09, 18:01
Hey Jobar,

I have had many of your symptoms, I have the head & Face presure now, it stinks, I think it has to do with the tension in my neck & Shoulders. I can bearly move my neck at times it is so tight. We just need to try to relax, I no easier said than done. Take care.


13-01-09, 18:15
yeah tension is a bitch, my mum gets it terrible when she is in a state and is near rigid ~ really can't be good for you, the best thing i ever learned was to drop my shoulders hence releasing the tension in your shoulders, neck etc, even if you just do it for seconds it helps over time.