View Full Version : earthquake feeling anyone???

06-01-09, 20:12

Just been looking through the dizzyness posts as iv been having random dizzy spells the last few days,

does anyone else feel like the earth sort of quakes when your dizzy, not lie the rooms spinning, but like there was a mini 2 second earthquake...apologies if this sounds batty! lol

Just wondered if this can be classed as dizzyness and whether or not anyone else gets this xxxxxxxxx

06-01-09, 22:01
OMG i totally have been feeling that for months now and it is my worse symptom. i just got on here to post about it.
how often does yours happen?

07-01-09, 08:25
I have experienced this, it is highly momentary is it not?
I find i am in work and i get this earthquake feeling, i let out a "woah" and everyone stares at me, thus i began to figure its me and not the earth!

07-01-09, 11:31

Wow, im glad im not the only one, yep mine is totally random too, like i was strapping my daughter into her car seat and suddenly felt it, my nana was with me and she was fine so i know it mustv been me! lol

Over the last few weeks its happened about 3 times a day, but iv had colds/and im sure extremely blocked sinuses over that period, so wondering whether it could be related, although iv experienced this when i dont have colds etc!

Yes totally momentary, lasts for 1-3 seconds tops! So weird and scary at first but im trying to ignore it!

HAve you seen the dr about it? xxxxxxxx

01-03-09, 21:32
Yeehh I always get this, I go ahh for like a second and grip tightly to something then it makes my heart beat quicker!!

05-03-09, 08:22
i have had that too! I've had it only once out in public.. I've had it most often lying in bed. but also sitting on the sofa... I live in California and we have earthquakes, so I always be sure to check the news the next day to see if it was just me or if it was real... ha..

05-03-09, 14:27
I sometimes get the feeling when I'm lying down or standing or even just sitting that I'm moving or the room is moving, had it for years would love to know what it is!