View Full Version : Happy New Year!

01-01-09, 16:05
Ok, its another year, time to be positive and make changes right??
I guess for a lot of us that is just impossible to imagine or hope for, as much as we may want it.
I was in tears this morning, knowing that however much I try to accept, live with and manage my anxiety, I have no control over the overwhelming feelings of doom and disaster that rear their ugly head from time to time.
Life goes on, we survive (in whatever way we can) and my positive thoughts now far outweigh the negative ones.......
So... my New Years resolutions???
Keep smiling
Stay positive
Keep myself creatively occupied
Get out into the big wide world again, no matter how small or big the steps I have to take are.

A big hug to everyone on the site, and Happy New Year

Diane O'Brien
01-01-09, 16:44
Hi Anna

It made me smile reading your thread. Your so right about your New Year Resolution and I wish you a great year. Take little steps however, and don't b to hard on yourself and keep your optimism throughout the rest of the year.

Luv, Diane xxx