View Full Version : Feeling down.........

31-12-08, 15:42
I am an optomist -even with panic attacks - but today - feeling really tearful - fed up - unemployed coz of redundancy - cold - overweight - blah blah blah.............................

Enough whinging - just having one of those days - my new years resolution - to try and be positive and live my life as if it was my last days on the earth - not to take it for granted- to wake :) up in the morning and be grateful I am alive............

Happy new year to one and all.:hugs:
Love Wenjoy x

31-12-08, 15:47
Hi Wenjoy

Sorry to hear you are feeling low today, sometimes it feels like all the worries of the world are upon us, we all have days like that.

Wenjoy I wish you a really happy New Year and hope your mood improves soon.

Many hugs coming your way :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Carol x

31-12-08, 15:56

You're not alone! Sometimes I look in the mirror and just think... eurgh! But then other days I look and think... hmm, not bad! So, I'm sure you'll soon come across a day where you like things about you, and things don't seem that bad. I know it's hard to see that when you feel like you do though.

I like your resolution, hope you succeed!


31-12-08, 17:18
no your not alone there .i had one of those yesterday but today had to go to the doctors and he said i am not any worse ( thats good i think ) i had to walk up a steep hill on the way home now i dont feel that good lol any how have a great new year and yes we survived another one

01-01-09, 23:19
Well my secret tool for comfort eating is that i go running, burn the calories, and then i know I can come home and reward myself with a cup of tea and 5 biscuits!

02-01-09, 10:49
Thanks for all your replies. Much appreciated. Feeling a bit down but ok - life goes on ................. Will get off my fat butt and get a job, a life...... Happy new year.Love wenjoy x

02-01-09, 11:04
I know how you feel re the work situation and being over weight Wenjoy. You are not alone there. Re weight issues, have you ever seen this website? I think its great and have got the book to go with it. I have to do exercises in the book which arent going to be easy but to lose the weight I feel like I need to get to the bottom of why I am overeating in the first place, otherwise I will never crack it. Here is the web address www.shrinkyourself.com (http://www.shrinkyourself.com)

Re work, I am sorry you have been made redundant. I have not been able to work at all because we have no support here with the kids in the school holidays. I know they are 14 now but whilst I can leave them alone (seperately) for quite a while, I cannot leave them together for long at all. I cant work weekends as hubby would not want to watch the kids every weekend when he has been at work all week and nights are a no no as I am knackered by 6pm these days anyway. I did do voluntary work in a school a few years ago and even got a City and Guilds Certificate "Foundation in Learning Support" but as soon as I applied for any jobs in the school, they didnt even acknowledge my application!! So other than a few school catering jobs, I have not been able to apply for jobs given the circumstances. I wish I had studied harder at school and got a well paid job where the kids could have been looked after whilst I went to work but its too late for that. Not working has been very hard for me. So much so that I have done voluntary work instead. Sorry Wenjoy. I ramble on at times. I do know how you feel. I need to get a life too. Take Care.

02-01-09, 14:57
YOu are not rambling shirley!!!

I have spent an hour in the job centre - a trained secretary who has also done shopwork for 10 years - the only jobs part time that I can get to *(dont drive) are care assistants which I did once and find hard with my weight and back problems!!

I promised myself no whinging - hubby is fed up with me feeling sorry for myself - trying to keep a smile on my face and be positive - I KNOW we can all achieve our goals if we just keep trying but sometimes its bloomin hard!!

Happy new year!
Wenjoy x

02-01-09, 15:39
Hi Wenjoy, There are a lot of care assistant jobs round here too. What a pity you cant get secretarial work though, or even shop work. I must admit I have a bad back too and am due for Physio sometime soon hopefully. I did actually do hairdressing in college full time for 2 years (starting in 2004 and ending in 2006) and got my Level 2 NVQ. Not being good enough for level 3, I signed up for Barbering for a year which may have been a bridge to level 3. But I had the breakdown about a month after I got my NVQ certificate and have had little or no experience ever since. I am now 51 by the way. I went into hairdressing with a view to going mobile and fitting it round school hours. But no-one wants an "hairdresser" of my description! No real experience and no level 3 plus my age doesnt help!! Other than hairdressing I would like to get into Psychology/Counselling but am not sure how as there are no Psychology courses for adults round here.

Its not easy not whinging is it. But I should do as you are and try to keep a smile on my face and be positive. Yes we can achieve our goals if we keep trying, though as you say, it is blooming hard.
