View Full Version : Feel weak/got the cold?

21-12-08, 20:46
I feel weak and awful. I have the cold with a bit of a cough I was feeling not great last week but it went away.

Today I went outside and it was windy I came back feeling all weak and cold again at work. Tonight I have just felt weak and yucky and been for a sleep for about one hour.

Does anybody else feel all weak/cold feeling? I was taking paracetamol last week and it helped a bit will it help again? I feel all panicky with anxiety again and worried I won't make it back to work next week.

21-12-08, 23:10
You got all my sympathy phil. Ive got the same...miserable isnt it.
I felt like i had a cold about 2 weeks or so ago and it wasnt too bad and i thought it was going. Then my hubby was ill for a week in bed with 'man-flu'!!! last week, but he had a terrible cough, temp, shivery, weak etc. Now i feel like ive got it again. Not a lot you can do but try to stay warm, plenty of fluids and paracetamol.
Hope you feel better soon.
Take care

22-12-08, 00:09
Had a cold for about 3 weeks now, but with so much work because of the year end, I haven't been able to rest. Had two good layings this week-end, and went for two nice walk as the sun was shining (did wrap-up nicely!) and I'm feeling better already.

My company closed from xmas until the 5th, so I'm looking forward to have plenty of rest.

So don't worry about your cold Phil; there's plenty of people around who don't suffer from anxiety and depression and who struggle to get rid off their cold too. It's just that time of the year!

Take great care,


14-02-09, 21:25
I am feeling this way again I think I have come down with a bad dose of the cold again.

I feel soo weak and horrible. I felt I was asleep at every hour last night and I have just fell asleep tonight and woke up with all depersonalisation and panic.

I have almost lost my voice and just feel sick/tired and have a bit of a cough will I be ok?

14-02-09, 23:35
Hi Phil,

The wife, kids and I have this too. Like yourself we all had it in December and in the past week or so it has come back.

The cough was the main thing. We've all had that but other symptoms vary. My wife is never ill and the cough never really bothered her but two nights ago she got very weak and very cold. She went to the doctors and when she went back to work they sent her home. She is much better today but now I have the weakness and ill feeling.

It really isn't nice and like yourself my anxiety has been through the roof today as a result. I just can't relax and hate feeling like this. It will pass though and it seems to be rife at the moment.

All the best


pink daisy
15-02-09, 10:56
I feel really anxious when im ill.. it sets me back for a while. it will get better

Kate x

20-02-09, 19:50
Anybody else still got the cold?

It set me on panic attacks when I was out today as I can't smell properly and feel weak not sure if it's anxiety combined with cold.

I started taking Sudafed today to see if it helps. Had it all week feel it's never moved and I have had a few sleeps in the evening this week to try and get it away will it pass soon?