View Full Version : soo cheesed off

13-12-08, 02:44
:lac: hey people of nmp
Im fed up with one thing after another, ive been getting to grips ith HA but and old problem that i had in sept/oct has suddnely reappeared i had truoble with swallowing food ,and wen i did swallow it felt like to didnt go down and stuck in my throat ...well i saw an ent who put the olde cam up nose and into throat and checked and said that its acid refluxand alot of it well,i took the tabs he gave me inexuim(esopmrezole) for 2 weeks and the sensation went away and icould eat properly,but then i stopped the tabs very sily i know but this time last week the feeling came back as i was eating and no its made me scared cos wen i had it last time i lived on soup,yoghurts all mushy foods becos i was frightend of choking and the feeling jus annoyes me. well i started taking the tabs again since the 1st and now its still not feeling 100% but im still not eating properly i eat soup ,yoghurts,ice cream, and quavers all things that i can mash in my mouth becos i dread swallowing now!! it is really getting me down as i lost weight before wiv not eating proper foods and i have had constipation,stomach pains and upper bk pains lately..and its gettin me down.no one understands they say just eat ur b fine..blah blah bla!!but i wish it was easy i get soo scared sumthinks wrong,u see ive never been one not to eat i love food and im not obbesed with food or anythink but i feel its getting terrible now,what am i gonna do? esp christmas dinner? omg im so sorry to rant its just horrible.any advice experinces or anythink guys im soo down!!feel soo silly cos i cnt even eat ,why cant i b normal? thanks for listening. C.xxxx

13-12-08, 10:28
Hello Cthechick,

It is good to hear you are beginning to get to grips with your HA, and i am sorry hear you have had a set back with the swallowing problem. It is quite common for 'old problems' to resurface - just treat it as a minor set back - because these old worries usually disappear quicker second time around. You can be reassured that you have had this problem before, and although nasty to contend with, it did disappear in time. You have just been checked out again, and it has been confirmed it was that nasty old acid reflux, which responded to the medication. It is good you have gone back to taking the medication, and that you have seen an improvement. I am certain the anxiety you are feeling at present is still causing symptoms, and making it difficult for you to swallow. There is no point trying to force yourself to 'eat normally' - try to relax about it all - and i do believe this 'old anxiety' problem will settle down. Hugs x x

13-12-08, 19:39
Thanks ever so much rosie at least somebody replied Lol, i havent beenback to see my doctor about it reapaearing as i stoped taking the meds and thats wott they will say u shoudltn of stopped taking the tabs,but i saw ent wen i frst got same problem and he conirmed it ws only acid reflux doing this ,but u knw how it is im shiiting it..so iam silly really i just got better and fought that was i but noo its back..i hate it,als fear dos play abig part with it and im holding back cos of the feeling i have in my throat.i think im feling more down a it is christmas approaching an im having the family round boxing day and im at my partners mum christmas dayso its going to b soo hard if i cnt manage to eat,and also im gna feell soo terrible if i cnt gt it downme:weep: ,they knew i had the problembefore but thy foght it had gone..what am i gona say?! oh its hard ...

13-12-08, 21:01
Hi cthechick
Sorry your down again hun..health anxiety sucks!!.
Im sorry i cant give you any advice on how to help but i just wanted to send you a hug because your feeling low...and i hope you feel better in time for xmas
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-12-08, 21:24
Hello cthechick,

I wish there was something i could say, which would make you feel more positive. From all you have said, i know the feeling you have with your throat is all down to acid reflux and nerves - i think it is like a vicious circle. At least you have seen some improvement since you have started back with the tablets - you must continue to take them because they really do seem to help you. I believe the reason they haven't worked 100 per cent is because you still have a high level of anxiety about the feeling you are getting. You may find, over the next week or so, your symptoms will be improving, and you will be feeling more relaxed about things. I am sure your family will be understanding if you explain to them you are not feeling so well with the anxiety. I know it is hard, and of course you want to enjoy Christmas - hopefully you will be feeling better about things soon. It would be a good idea to go back and see your doctor, to explain it has reappeared, because you may need to have some more tablets. Don't worry about what he is going to say - loads of people stop taking their medication because they think they are better.

14-12-08, 10:54
I get this feeling in my throat often and also am having a lot of acid reflux at the minute - it's so typical of anxiety and if your ENT surgeon has given you the all clear, I think you can safely assume this is what it is. What I do is cut things up small at first and chew them really well, taking a sip of water after each swallow. I then try to wean myself off drinking so much water and then cutting up food bigger and chewing less until eventually I am eating normally.

Good luck with this.

14-12-08, 11:31
I think with this acid reflux thing you just have to keep taking the capsules or it does come back again. I take one omeprazole a day and have been fine since.:)