View Full Version : Help how to explain to partner what i'm going through.

26-11-08, 11:15
Hiya all

My girlfreind is finding it all very hard coping with this anxiety problem i have. Now i'm not the best at explaining it to her and could really do with some help on getting it across to her just how hard at times it is to do simple tasks.She is also unsure as to how to help me when i start feeling unwell or have a full blown attack. I'm really after some help on how to explain it clearly to her as she doesnt really understand how hard it is at times.

Input would be brilliant and maybe benificial to others in the same boat.


Ken :)

26-11-08, 11:26
Hi Ken and :welcome:

You could print off some info from here or the internet,explaining the symptom's ect and she can probably understand it better from reading it.There is also info for friend's and families out there.There are some good book's available to.

It is hard for some people to understand who dont suffer with anxiety,panic ect ect.:hugs:

26-11-08, 14:28
Good for you for wanting her to have as much info as possible. Too many people try and hide what is going on with them. My husband has been dealing with this for a while now and even though I am better now, I can tell you what he did. He would sit with me when needed it and he never told me to get over it or there was nothing wrong with me. He was very patient and asked what he could do to help. He never made me go anywhere that i wasnt ready for. He got books from the library and read up on anxiety and panic and went to every doctors appointment with me to find out what more he could do. There were time when I didnt want to be around even him and he understood and didnt make me feel guilty. People who dont have it dontunderstand the gripping fear we get even over the smallest things. I can honestly say he was a saint during this because there were times I didnt want to be around myself. Make sue she sees the symptoms page so she doesnt get scared when it hits. It is terrifying for people who havent had one. Take care.