View Full Version : Why Wont IT go Away?

16-06-05, 17:52
I wake up everyday feeling lots of anxiety! Today I woke up and my hands were shaking and I felt like running for miles. I just don't want to feel like this anymore!


16-06-05, 18:03
I always wake up bad Brandy but i do about 15 mins of breathing before i get up,which helps a bit,then try to keep busy hard i know but it usually gets better as the day wears on.This site helps me so much

Barb x

16-06-05, 19:16
Hi Brandy, Sometimes I wake up like that, afraid I dont have a miracle answer though, I get up and try to get busy straight away, its not easy but you will get through it, take care love Alexis,x

16-06-05, 19:26

That is not a bad thing to do actually. If you run around you will burn off the excess adrenalin.

Make sure you are kind to yourself when you get up and eat as soon as you can - even just a banana.

Hope it subsides soon.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

16-06-05, 23:59
Hi Brandy

I have felt just like you and i wanted to run so far that i would go to a place that noone knew me and maybe could start again. Leave it all behind and make a new start, but people kept telling me the past catches up with you and however far you run it will still be there, it was but it got better with medication and this site for me and it will for you.

I have being there and know how it feels and will help you all i can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-06-05, 01:43
Thanks Sal, and everyone else you's are the nicest people and caring I have ever met...

By the way Sal what meds are you on? I am on Buspirone and it don't work very good!


17-06-05, 17:39
Hello Brandy!
I always feel anxious in the morning. It is just the "another day" feeling, you know you have to struggle another 24 hours....I just hate that feeling!
Having a shower helps me.
I am on 3 kinds of meds and I'm afraid they've stopped working [:O]
Take care and hold on
We are all going through the same
Ana :)

jade izzet
23-06-05, 08:47
I have just started to have panic attacks and i hate the way im feeling and do not understand why im feeling like this. Would be nice to speak to someone in the same situation.
Thank you
Take care

23-06-05, 09:51
hello Brandy

l find the less l think in the mornings, the better. l always know l have to get out of the house pdq to get the kids off to school, and we're always in a rush so that helps that sneaky bit of anxiety creeping in and causing trouble...

The good thing recently is that l bought myself a shower radio, so a soon as i get in the shower in the mornings l stick the radio on and it stops me from thinking! it has been a great help to get the day going, i reallydo recommend.

Denni x

23-06-05, 18:59
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi
I have just started to have panic attacks and i hate the way im feeling and do not understand why im feeling like this. Would be nice to speak to someone in the same situation.
Thank you
Take care

<div align="right">Originally posted by jade izzet - 23 June 2005 : 07:47:39</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi there i have just joined this website and myself have suffered for about ten years with panic attacks and anxiety if you would ever like to email or anything like that as it is always better knowing you are not the only one who feels like you do then do email me.
look forward to hearing from you
mel xx
