View Full Version : what a day!

19-11-08, 19:51
evening everyone

I was just hoping for some advice really. Today was a bad day, the last 2 days have been ok then bang it hit me this morning. I had to leave work coz i couldnt cope. Its like this wave comes over me then everything sets in fast heart beat, numbness, dizzy then i cant stop it until i get home. but the thing is im not thinking about something inparticuar so i dont know what sets it off. its really making me upset now. ive got counselling booked but they cant see me till the 4th dec. I think im gona have a heart attack!


19-11-08, 20:15

I think I've had a similar day to yourself! I couldn't get home though as working far away. Just wanted to say that I can relate to the bit about not thinking about anything in particular. I have experienced panic attacks when asleep, laughing during comedy shows, and out with friends. From what I have read this is all par for the course.

Hope the counselling helps... I am sure neither of us has any heart problems!

Good luck!
Mart x

19-11-08, 20:36

Yeah its so strange how they start from nothing. The thing is aswell i know im not having a heart attack and the palpatations will pass but that doesnt seem to get through! Its just made me feel so rubbish this last week or so and i have had all the symptons u could imagine. im going back to the drs 2moro to get some more help bcoz they have been rubbish. Ive got more help off this site then them. I hope u are ok. Take care xx

19-11-08, 20:57
You're not alone. I've been having some pretty good days, and then today and yesterday I've had to leave work around lunch because I couldn't take feeling the way I did any longer. I was light-headed mostly. Couldn't turn my head much from left to right without feeling like I was going to faint. I was also tense and nervous and couldn't focus on anything I was trying to do. I gritted my teeth and beared it as long as I could, then went home early once again.

We are both playing the same game, but I haven't figured out how to win.

19-11-08, 21:15
I think sometimes anxiety can be on autopilot, so in situations you were anxious before now you automatically get anxious,
you may try taking a sedative for the really bad days, I take one a week but I have gone a few weeks without taking them! they are highly addictive. my doctor says one a week should not make me physically addicted, but I take them every where with me , they are my safety net.
I always take one when I'm on a bus/train or going to the dentist, I always start of by taking less than half then if I need to take half and so on.
maybe some relaxation things may help? like deep breathing?
or music! fun happy music always helps me I bring my mp3 player everywhere,
maybe even rescue remedy? although I don't find it helps it has helped lots of people.
make sure you are getting enough calcium, magnesium and b vitamins, high doses of any vitamins are bad so be careful, same goes for omega 3, and I have found omega 3 helpful,
yay good for you getting help, x

19-11-08, 22:53
Also, maybe try to see if there's something at work that might be a trigger? Maybe a task or a certain thing you really dislike having to do?

Course, mine hits me when I'm just relaxing, so who knows xD

When I have a panic attack, I focus way too much on the computer. Which most people can't do at work.

But yeah, I do what mishel does, I take .25 of Xanax...and if that doesn't work, then I go up I'm stuck mostly at .5 x.x

20-11-08, 09:41
Hey, I find that if I am particularly bored whilst working, then my p/as hit - I have to get myself distracted to help myself!

20-11-08, 09:58
Hiya hun ..I think most people with anx have days like that ..I know I have ...
I was bad in June and was off sik from work cus I just couldnt go and became agro...but since counselling I amgetting much better .....I have learnt not 2 run when I feel like it but stay and let it pass...very very hard sometimes as feelings are so intense but hopefully in time It will get easier .
I was the same as yrself with the fact that they came from nowwhere and at anytime ..my councellor said that without realising sometimes our subconcious triggers them off as the slightest thought or feeling (even if we dont realise we have had it )will.trigger our anx .
I kept a thought diary which was very usefull..but u will prob be told some coping techniques etc at your counselling x

Gud look
Titchjd xxxxxxxx