View Full Version : Mind racing!

15-11-08, 03:27
Just thought I would ask if anyone has these racing thoughts.I have just started my new job yesterday and I am in my training for 2 weeks(at Tesco)I did 6 hours and came home feeling ok at roughly 9.30 pm,had a bite to eat and went tobed around 12.15am,I went to sleep but woke up about an hour ago really quickly and my mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts,I was lying there thinking "I feel panicky should I get up" I did and came on here to slow my mind down,I was biting my nails and feeling jittery and stressed,how can you feel like this when you have been asleep?one minute I was dreaming and the next wide awake.Is this normal? I get frightened when my mind races like that,it's like a train going off fast and it's awful,has anybody else has this?

15-11-08, 08:02
Hi there,:)
I have just read your thread and feel I can relate to most of what you are feeling when you wake up. I am going through a stage right now where I wake up early feeling nervous and mind racing. This is because I am on "standby" for being called out to work. Is the phone going to ring or not? I am extra nervous as I have been off sick recently from work for about 12 weeks and am slowly getting over this feeling. I have other symptoms of anxiety too.
These feelings pass in time for me, usually if I get out of bed and do something like getting into No More Panic Forum. The feelings will pass and fade in time as you get more settled in your job. Good luck in that! Soon, I am sure you will get up and go to work with a peaceful mind.
I try to remember that it is just a natural reaction, that I am not the only one, that I am not going mad, and I will feel better soon, and that there are a lot of people who feel much worse than I do at times, and that there is lots of help out there.
Let me know how you get on if you like
Take care
luv dietchick:hugs:

15-11-08, 23:03
Hi there, I find if I am stressed or having an anxious period I get irregular sleep patterns so will often wake up in the middle of the night and have a panic attack usually.

It will pass over time, maybe try some relaxation techniques before you go to bed? Yoga, baths, or a massage maybe?

Take care.