View Full Version : Breathing Problems ?

14-11-08, 19:32
Hi All,

Does any one ever feel like they cant get enough breath and have to keep sighing? also, I feel like there is a weight on my chest. I am a smoker so quite worried about this !


14-11-08, 19:50
Hey dot

This has got to be the top symptom of anxiety hun! it's extremely common amongst sufferers. I get it loads and it's horrible. I always distract myself and keep busy which usualy sends it packing.

Love Lisa

14-11-08, 19:54
hi i get this all the time, i went to hospital about it last night, ecg came back normal, and all other tests seems its anxiety was given valium, we need to change way we think i feel now after being told im ok hope you feel beter soon


14-11-08, 19:54
Hi hun
I used to get this a lot, and i still do occasionaly ... you feel like you cant get enough air in, and like you i used to sigh or yawn a lot. Im afraid its one of the symptoms of anxiety...but it can be really scary. I used to think that it was a sign of something more sinister...but its not.
I try to busy myself when i feel it coming on, and i find it goes away when im occupied doing something else otherwise i make it worse if i dwell on it.
Hope your feeling a little better now though.
Take care
:hugs: :hugs:

14-11-08, 20:16

This is a big anxiety symptom, if you are worried maybe see your doctor and tell them your concerns


15-11-08, 11:29

I went to the doctors about the constant sighing and feeling I wasn't getting enough air. He confirmed this was down to my anxiety and assured me this type of breathing was nothing whatsoever to do with my heart or lungs.

15-11-08, 15:42
I've got this really bad. Everyday I wake up nervous as hell and I'm aware of my breathing all the time, it stops me from going out at times incase I panic. I yawn to get air - that is the only time I seem to get enough air.

I doubt it will ever go, I think once a person becomes aware of it, it may just stick around. I absolutely hate it, I dread the days ahead knowing my stomach will be in knots with it and the breathing sends me panicking most of the time.

15-11-08, 23:00
Yeah typical anxiety symptom.

I suffer with my breathing on a regular basis - depending on how anxious and stressed I am. Also because of the anxiey I tend to focus on my breathing a lot which just makes things worse!

Hope things improve you for.
Take care.

16-11-08, 16:40
my breathing has been funny for a couple of days not that im short of air just feel i have to keep taking deep breathes to get enough air plus my chest is tight sometimes think i may have a cold coming 2 so that wont help

17-11-08, 11:42
Thanks for all the replies, I feel much better now
Thankyou all,


Natural Mystic
17-11-08, 23:57
I just got up to post because It was happening and stoppng me falling asleep