View Full Version : I had a weird PA (?) last night

12-11-08, 21:17
I had them most peculiar panic attack last night. Or at least, I think it was a PA but I have never had one like this before. However, I am used to panic grabbing me when I least expect it and it does come in many guises just to remind me it is there!:wacko: Mostly I am able to just let it go and accept it for what it is.

I couldn't get to sleep and I was kind of ruminating about stuff. I then got what I think was a shot of unexpected adrenalin and my whole body started to violently shake but it felt to me as though it was the world shaking.The shaking subsided but lingered on for a while in a gentler fashion. So....me being what I am like...if I have a panic attack of unknown origin, my brain makes up a reason to be frightened.:blush: So, I decided that there has just been an earth tremor! (what else????LOL!) I was lying there in bed, unable to move due to fear but was thinking "the house id going to fall down around us" then, this has never happened to me before, I got another lot of violent shaking, really really badly, it felt to me as though the whole room was vibrating like a huge pneumatic(sp?) drill was in there digging up the floor. I could not stop it. It lasted seconds but seemed ages and then eased again into more of an internal quiver but my heart was racing like mad. I was terrified and decided I needed to get out of bed and get all my family together as we were in my mind all going to die, but I still couldn't physically move. I lay for a while and it all eased and I was able to tell myself that we hadn't had an earthquake and I calmed down remarkably quickly and fell asleep.:)

As I say, I am used to panic getting me at the most unexpected moments but it usually a hyperventilating type panic, or feeling like my heart is going to race until it bursts!
Has anyone had this, or anything like it? It really unnerved me. I am thinking it was maybe not a PA but some other weird unidentifiable thing (I can't think what else to call it!)


12-11-08, 21:31
Hiya Happy

I don't want to sound patronising hun, but are you sure that you were awake especially when you say that you could not phy)sically move, (that is the bodys way of protecting us from acting out dreams, ie if we are jumping from a great height or harming someone etc) it could have been one of those weird dreams where you are convinced that you are awake (I think that I get these or something weird like them) or you could have been in that weird limbo between awake and asleep and sort of started dreaming especially as you say that the whole room seemed to vibrate you did say that you were trying to get to sleep and then you went back to sleep after this strange turn of events.


12-11-08, 22:26
I think panic in the wee small hours in that funny place between sleep and awake always feel worse somehow.

Even supposedly non anxious folk can have something like that happen and one of my piglets does do the whole 'can't move' thing now and again.

It was yucky my sweet but much like the ones in the daytime let it pass - it's no more important than any other kind of panic.

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-11-08, 22:27
Hi Heather
I know someone who reacts like this when they get very anxious, their whole body shakes from head to foot for a short time. I am sure this is yet another trick our body reacting to stress plays on us. Dont worry about it, if it ever happens again just try and relax and tell yourself it will soon pass.


13-11-08, 09:04
Thanks Heather, I suppose it is possible I was asleep or in that state inbetween.

Yes Piglet, I will let it go. I'm not undully worried about it. I was more kind of interested:wacko: Not at the time obviously and I wouldn't like it if it kept on happening:ohmy: I find it strangely fascinating how my anxiety morphs into a new form. It kinda keeps the battle alive..... sort of! So, just when I am think I am sorted and have won the battle...my anxiety pops up and says "HA! that's what you think...I have another trick up my sleeve!"
I am being a bit silly I know, but I do seriously find it interesting how it keeps on changing form.

Thanks janeh, it is sgood to know that I am not the only one to react in such a way. Not good that your friend gets it too obviously!

Anyway, It is behind me! Gone!


13-11-08, 11:02
Thanks Heather, I suppose it is possible I was asleep or in that state inbetween.

I find it strangely fascinating how my anxiety morphs into a new form. It kinda keeps the battle alive..... sort of! So, just when I am think I am sorted and have won the battle...my anxiety pops up and says "HA! that's what you think...I have another trick up my sleeve!"

Yep I identify with this one!!!

Anyway, It is behind me! Gone!


Good on ya!:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-11-08, 15:22
Sounds to me like a regular sleep paralysis episode, when your mind is awake, but body still asleep therefore paralysed. I'm having such dreams all the time, for example last time I had a sensation that someone sat on me and I couldn't move, with my mind awake and clear as a crysal. Knowing that this is sleep paralysis (check wikipedia for more), I am usually calm and relaxed, not trying to wake up or move, because it's extremely difficult. So I just let this kinda go, and fell asleep almost immediately. First time I had it, it was many years ago, I was absolutely terrified, because I felt like someone had my leg and was swinging me across the room with terrible force. Can you imagine having this with your full awake mind?? Lol. I was scared s***less.
Also, you can induce sleep paralysis, if you really want and try. Simply think about falling asleep as actively as you can, and you'll experience transition, it's kind of scary sometimes, as almost immediately you fall into sleep paralysis state. For me it's usually loud noise in my head, or even loud voice saying something random and then some hallucination, like someone's sitting on me or trying to choke me... Fun stuff!