View Full Version : conjunctivitus and viral infection

08-11-08, 15:52
god i am such a mess i pohned mental health team yesterday was in such a panic, i have a swollen eye lid from my conjunctivitus my my anxiety is making me think that it is something else....

i went to the chemist yesterday and he scared me so bad i was concernred the drops i am taking was making my eye worse and do you know what he said, this is very serious my daughter had this and a swollen eye lid and had to got and be on a drip in hospital so is hould go back to the docotor...

i had been in on wed and she said it is conjunctivitus so gave me drops, now after he had said this i had psossibly the worst panic attack ever i ran into the doctors and she told me it is just conjunctivitis but i am unsure and what the chemsit saifd to me keeps pooppping up in my head and what if it is something else ....

has anyone evr had this and had a swollen eye please help me i am so concered sorry if it doesnt make much sense thanks for reasding

08-11-08, 15:53
i am also dead dizzy from a virus i have and that is freaking me out how long do virus last for my god i am such a mess

08-11-08, 16:20
Try not to worry about what the chemist said, i'm sure your ok. I know its hard, i have a sore throat, ear ache at the minute and although my rational side knows its that time of year and its just a virus, my irrational panicy side keeps saying but it could be X, Y, Z!!

08-11-08, 21:24
Hi there, it's good that you got onto your mental health team, you're obviously very wound up and distressed at the moment.

You already have all of the reassuring information that you need: your doctor diagnosed conjunctivitis and gave you some drops. You went back again and she confirmed the diagnosis. Instead of focusing on what the doctor who examined you and who knows you has said, you are focusing on the words of a chemist who did not examine you and, with all due respect to chemists, is not a doctor. This is because the chemist said something that scared you while the doctor did not.

Your health anxiety is being so mean to you. All I can say is: listen to your doctor, not the chemist, and conjunctivitis is rarely serious, it should clear up in a week or so with the help of the drops. I've had conjunctivitis and it went away in a week, it's annoying but not serious :flowers:.