View Full Version : constant dizziness

28-10-08, 18:02
hi all
i am getting a little worried i have had dizzy ness for 2 days now and is strating to scare me, is one of my worst symptoms but now i am thinking there is something soo wrong with me why has it just come on all of a sudden i dont know what to do, does anyone else have a few days of dizziness

please help a worried me

28-10-08, 18:10
Hello Hun

I too have experienced non stop dizzies,
couple of questions
1. Are you currently on any medication?
2. Have you had a viral thing that may have got to your ears, dizziness is very common when we have ear infections and also something called Labrynthitis that is not as frightening as it sounds its something to do with the inner ear, its not fatal or anything like that but it is a pain in the ***** and I believe it can come and go without warning,
a lot of people have anxiety because of this
3. Have you any other symptoms that worry you,

Personally I would pop along to the Dr who will probably send you for a blood test to ensure that there is nothing going onto cause this ie anaemia or thyroid problems.

If these come back clear it is probably anxiety, a lot of people have dizziness as their main symptom.

Lots of Love


28-10-08, 18:12
thanks for your reply, i am on paraoxatine 30 mg thats all i take, i havent any other symptoms am just so tired and freaked out thankyou heather xx

28-10-08, 18:15
I have constant dizz too I think its AD's

28-10-08, 18:18

I have just started Citalopram 20 mgs and the Dr told me that I might be light headed for a few days on them, so it could be your meds try not to worry.


28-10-08, 18:23
i have been on them for 6 months now which is why i am worring i had a mot blood test as the doc called it and everything was fine i just cant understand it what if there is something wrong why do i have to think the worst thankyou for talking to me

28-10-08, 18:26
Its probably the anxiety hun, I know its horrible and causes you to think all sorts of bad things, I know because I am the world champion of doing this, it stinks its horrible and you would not wish this on your worst enemy.

How old are you? could it be hormonal.


28-10-08, 18:28
im 28 is awful isnt it why do we do it to ourselves, i have a 7 month old daughter and am still breast feeding her so havent had a period yet, i guess lots of things cause dizziness i just think the worst

28-10-08, 18:35
Hey there, isn't dizziness horrible? I had labyrinthitis for weeks and weeks, coming and going. If you haven't mentioned it to your doctor already, then I would. Dizziness can be caused by a number of things. Best to get it checked, and they might even be able to give you something to help.

28-10-08, 18:41
hi leebee yes is horrid i have told the doc many times and had blood test done she thinks it is down to anxiety, as is the answer for everything, i was just readinmg your post bout labyrinthtis i wonder if it is that. god knows is just so weird, i am worrying and getting that drealisation feeling is horrid

28-10-08, 18:46
Don't be worrying are you eating and drinking enough if you are breastfeeding I remember breastfeeding my son over twenty years ago and I practically wasted away, I wish that I could go back to that I am a size 20 now!

It also takes a while for your hormones to return to normal after having a baby in the real world, not like the celeb world where they are size 0 back at work and ruling the world when there babies are 6 weeks old!

I had a lot of dizziness after having my last child, shes 11 now so try not to worry!


28-10-08, 18:57
thankyou heather for your support xx

29-10-08, 07:46
Hi I'm in Berkshire too!
I have had dizziness for a few days. Well light headedness. Its ok when I wake up in the morning, but comes on later, but I have put it down to stress. I have a job I hate at the moment, and am stressing about getting another one. Had the runs when I got up this morning, so I know I am stressed!

Purple Fish
29-10-08, 09:03

I know exactly where you`re coming from! I`ve suffered dizziness/lightheadedness for the last 2 years although mine is much improved now. It used to come and go throughout the day only for a few seconds at a time but was enough to scare me! I had tests done on my ears and everything was fine. My doc said it was stress and hormones which I take Prozac and Norethisterone for. It`s only recently that the Norethisterone (a hormone pill) has finally kicked in, as I was always worse two weeks leading up to my period.
Hang on in there and keep your doc informed of how you are feeling. If you`re not satisfied with their opinion see a different one. some docs are better at dealing with this sort of thing than others.

Take care

29-10-08, 11:10
thankyou purple fish, i am sure it is probably down to hormones is just so horrible when it is happening and you dont know why it is happening, i seem to alwasy think the worst as most of us do, just such a strange feeling thankks again everyone xx

29-10-08, 15:03
I am the same, it's horrible. It's more lightheadedness than feeling dizzy but it's starting to worry me. I don't take any medication so it can't be a side effect xx

29-10-08, 15:20
is horrible cherbear, especially when you have no clue why it is doing it, i think mine is lightheaded as well really, i cant tell the difference but really freaks you out, i hope you start to feel better soon, have you spoke to your doctor about it