View Full Version : Tingling on my face and head

Sal x
06-06-05, 10:56
Hi Everyone,

I have woke up today with pins and needles on my face and on my scalp. Its really freaking me out and making me feel dizzy. I'm not sure whether its the anxiety making feel light headed or whether its something wrong with me.

Can these symptoms be really just anxiety as they are so weird. I'm really scared, can someone please help me ???

The last time I had this sensation, I had a really bad virus for about 4 weeks which I thought was the end of me. Because this has come back again within the same year, I have convinced myself that I have some kind of neurological disorder as my Grandad died really young from Motor neuron diesease.
Also, my friend has just told me that I look really tired and I hate it when people say that as I think I must look like I am dying. (I know this sounds daft)

I am sure that I am just going to collapse any minute now...........How am I going to get thorough the day at work feeling like this as every minute feels like an hour to me.

Someone please help me on this tingling feeling as I am petrified.

Sorry to go on.

Sal x [V]

06-06-05, 11:50
Hi Sal x

All these symptoms are part and parcel of anxiety and nothing to worry about. I can honestly say that I am well on the road to recovery and still get the occassional tingling face and scalp.
It used to freak me out as well but I just live with it now as I know it can't harm me.
You are not going to collapse, try some relaxation and deep abdominal breathing.
I find getting some fresh air helps a lot as well.
Hope this helps
Fell free to PM me if you want more reassurance

Take care

Elaine x

06-06-05, 11:51
Forgot to say that the dizziness is also associated with anxiety, if you search there are lots of posts on this.

Take care

Elaine x

06-06-05, 12:00
Hi Sal

I occasionally get tingling in my face and lips too but know it is to do with anxiety/hyperventilation etc.

I don't like it either if people ever say to me I look tired, as I take it to mean I look horrible. Lol. Also I think it sounds rude - so I never say it to other people (maybe the kids now and again to get them to go to bed) after all how is that ever helpful to anyone.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

06-06-05, 12:15
Hi Sal

All of my symptoms are very much head-based and I get loads of tingling scalp / pressure on scalp etc. They are all anxiety based. The more you think about them the worse they will feel. Try to distract yourself or say to yourself "this is just the anxiety, I can feel this sensation fading now...")

be well

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

06-06-05, 12:44
hello Sal,

I get this the whole time. My cheeks especially go numb. This is very common and is nothing to worry about..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-06-05, 13:06
just read the messages about tingling on face and head. i'm not alone with this, what a relief it's like a tonne weight being lifted off my shoulders (even though it's happening to me right now) i don't feel so bad because I NOW KNOW IT HAPPENS! when i'm anxious/panicky. thankyou:). you wouldn't believe some of the things i've been told it was. well prehaps you would

06-06-05, 13:17
Hi Sal

I've had the scalp and face tingling feelings too and with burning sensations. Don't worry. It's just anxiety and it can make you feel really dizzy. I used to get it alot and still do now and again. Have a look back at some of my old posts. I have it now as I'm going through a tough time

Take care


06-06-05, 13:25
Hi Sal,

Same comment as everyone else really. It sounds like anxiety, I also get the face tingling. Try not to worry ( easier said than done, i know ).

Enjoy your day.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

Sal x
06-06-05, 13:46
Thanks everyone for replying..............It has made me feel loads better.

Does anyone actually know why anxiety causes you face and scalp to tingle ??

I would really like to understand it more.

Sal x

Sal x
06-06-05, 13:48
PS : If anyone would like to PM me on any symptoms, I would be grateful as I think that there is something wrong with me everyday and it can get really tiring.

Sal x

Lisa Marie
09-06-05, 08:09
I too feel like a weight has been lifted, I was awake all last night with head tingling, it was driving me mad! I have it right now however as I was reading some of the explanations it seemed to fade as though it thought 'oh damn, now you know what I am'!

I do find it sort of extends to other areas to tho, I feel as though a greenfly or money spider has landed on me and get an odd 'crawling' feeling! That too drives me mad!

I am putting it down to splitting with my fella of 6 yrs at Xmas and buying him out of the house which has been soooo stressful. I had a breakdown and have recovered from that but the anxiety/panic has been triggered again. I've dealt with it before and i WLL do it again!

:D [8D]

30-09-07, 21:24
Hi all
I get tingling in my face just like if i have been to the dentist and my face is returning to normal after having a jab to deaden it. Manily on my cheeks and it feels like the skin is being streached and it burns like its on fire.
I also get the numbness in my hands and feet
I have put it down to periods though as it always seems to happen just before and durning this time Usually last for about a week

Does any one else have this happen>???

10-12-08, 12:09
I Am A New Member Also And Have The Same Syptoms As You Do Not Worry As They Just Come And Go .my Doctor Put Me On Calcium And Magnesium And As Helped Good Luck Terry.

07-04-09, 17:27
i have also been having pins and needles in my face and it scared me alot i thought i was having a stroke or something which then causes me to have a panic attack. i also get pains in my cheast which also scare me to, i have been to the doctors so many times and they say i'm healthy and my bloods are ok. but i also think there r things wrong with me.:blush:

07-04-09, 17:29
i have also been having pins and needles in my face and it scared me alot i thought i was having a stroke or something which then causes me to have a panic attack. i also get pains in my cheast which also scare me to, i have been to the doctors so many times and they say i'm healthy and my bloods are ok. but i always think there r things wrong with me.:blush:

08-04-09, 09:10
I get tingling of the face and lips too - I am glad to read that it is most likely anxiety! I am such a worrier - although sometimes it happens when I am just sitting watching telly and not in an anxious situation. Maybe my breathing is wrong at those times:wacko:

02-03-10, 21:19
Hi Sal

I too get these tingling feelings and pins and needles as well as numbness in my legs and wrists. A few years ago a very clever dr diagnosed it as anxiety and not a serious illness as I had thought it might be. It is due to overbreathing, which you tend to do when anxious. When you overbreathe you breathe in more than you breathe out and CO2 builds up in your bloodstream - this 'overdose' of CO2 causes the symptoms you describe. The way to cure it is to find a way to stop being so anxious and also to calm your breathing. I believe there are breathing excercise you can do and I'm going to look into these. Try to breathe out at least as much as you breathe in!

Good luck! x

05-06-10, 20:39
I cannot even begin to explain how relieved I am to have found this webpage and this post specifically. I have been having a tingling sensation in the back of my head (just above my neck) for 3-4 days now.

It goes away when I am distracted, so it must be anxiety, but when I think about it too much it gets worse and I'm scared I am going to die because I know that the back of the head is where the cerebellum is located. I know it's anxiety, but I have been home by myself scared for the past few days.

I am so glad to hear that so many other people have these symptoms and I cannot wait for it to go away. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make it stop? It's driving me crazy. Right now I have a headband on and the pressure makes the tingling go away, its only when I have it off that I feel it.

I'm about to try to distract myself with a computer game, but when I'm alone I can't help but think of it.

05-06-10, 23:33
Have had tingling in my lips and head and face quite often.
A few months ago I was convinced it was really bad when I dyed my hair and have panicked so much I dare not dye my hair any more which I am finding hard to deal with as I have dyed my hair blonde for over 30 years and now have horrible looking hair with loads of black roots and am thinking of having to wear a wig

07-06-10, 12:49
I used to get the head tingling all the time and tightness and I used to worry that I was having a stoke or something too.
It annoys the hell out of me and im forever scratching it, havent had it for a while though but I tend to go through different patches with my symptoms. Sometimes their head related but at the moment its chest pain worry that im experiancing.
Its always one thing or another:mad:

19-08-10, 17:18
When I try and relax to a Relaxation CD, the pins & needles in my head gradually cover my whole face, which distracts me. The more I try & relax, the more the pins & needles grow in intensity. They seem to reach a peak after about 20 minutes and then gradually fade to a lower level, but never go away completely. This is also accompanied with what feels like muscle spasms across my face and forehead. I can only describe it as my face fizzing away uncontrollably and I can't seems to find a way to make it subside, especially as its happens when I'm trying to relax myself. I'm off work at the moment & exercise regularly at a gym 4 times a week and swim most days and have become quite dishartenhed by my seemingly lack of progress over the last 4 months or so. My progress gets better & then worsens in a wave like pattern & I can't seem to drag myself out of this cycle. Any suggestions?

jay chaz
05-10-10, 18:10
dear sal i have tingling down one side of my face am convinced it a mini stroke im 17

15-04-11, 14:24
I have had face tingling for a few months. I went to the doctor on my birthday when it was really driving me crazy - I ended up in the ER for high blood pressure. I did a bunch of tests a neurologist ordered but just canceled my MRI/MRA. I believe the tingling is from stress and high blood pressure. My BP med is bringing down my BP and I need to not stress (easier said than done).

I'm not sure what causes it (could be the age I'm at now coupled with multiple stressors). But, I think the tingling is just stress.

This site has been a big help.

16-04-11, 20:19
Hey guys, I'm going around to all the forums I can find with people having these symptoms. I've been having pain in my head and tingling sensations in my face/head and even down my back sometimes. How is your posture? I cant believe that I've found an answer to my problems. I've seen countless doctors and they all told me oh its just anxiety you will learn to deal with it. There is this thing called forward head posture. If you are on a computer alot (which most of us are) your head starts tilting forward over time cutting off nerves and arteries along your spine, which can lead to all sorts of problems. I started doing neck and posture excersizes the other day and for the first time in years i am feeling better, I cant believe it. I want to share this with everyone I can find to try and help. I thought I was having a stroke or dying. Look up forward head posture!!!!!!

24-06-11, 18:58
I am new here and really suffer with anxiety I hate it and it is ruining my life :weep:

21-09-11, 19:03
I have these symptoms to, my face (cheeks, scalp, nose, ears and lips) all at different or even the same time. I thought it was a build up to a stroke or worse (if there is anything worse). It's relentless at times and I have no idea what to do. Doctor? I've been so often I feel like a hyprocondriact at times so I don't go.

I don't know of anything that is worrying me really, bills, money, work maybe? Anyway I'd like to thank you all for putting my mind at ease!!

22-09-11, 22:47
Just to re-inforce what everyone else has said. Yep tingling is normal, just anxiety. Your sucking in more air which triggers fight or flight response flooding your system with adrenaline. Try to get some exercise to burn of some adrenaline.

23-09-11, 01:43
i just wanted to say i also get pins and needles on my head/scalp it is awfull feeling i just say its anx...i also have pressure in head

16-06-13, 16:24
Hi, i have never used one of these forums before but often read them and somtimes take some comfort in knowing im not alone. ive suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for around 2 years and have been taking propranalol for about 6months. i seem to go through faises where sometimes im in control of my anxiety and other times, like now, my axiety is taking over an ruining mylife. my latest symptom isa tingling sensation in my head and face, like others have said, its afrightning feeling, and me being the way i am automatically feer the worse. that my main problem i always think something terribly wrong with me and that i am going to die! i go to the doctors ofen but feel like they dontlisten or understand how this affects my ife! my fance is suportive but doesnt understand. so joining this forum is me trying to stry something new! its nice to know that i am not alone.xx

16-06-13, 18:12
I used to get a numb face and lips but I think that this was due to my Propananol

16-03-16, 19:29
I know this post is 11 years old but I just wanted to thank everyone that posted here!

I'm currently going through a patch of anxiety and the tingling on the top of my scalp and left cheek has begun. Alongside this, I feel tired constantly and my eyes have started playing tricks. I've just started a new (and demanding) job so I'm affiliating a bit with that although it's tough.

My anxiety is largely based around my head and brain so it figures I'd be nervous about anything neurological!

Anyway.. Long post but simply a thank you in all honesty!