View Full Version : Hello everybody out there............

18-10-08, 22:33
Feeling a little isolated at the moment & came across this site which looks to have lots of useful info(I'm on a high dose of venlafaxine so keen to read up on experiences there) & folks who might understand.

Some background...now 45, have suffered from anxiety since teens when bullied at school, have been treated with a whole chemist shop of SSRI meds down the years including a 10yr+ spell on seroxat where I spent the time 'uncomfortably numb'. Disastrous time coming off, not tapered, resulted in severe anxiety + unsympathetic work place + bullying by boss resulted in me leaving about my 10th job in as many years. Once in management after uni (seems a lifetime away), now I just about scrape by on a minimum wage job. At lowest was switched to venlafaxine by junior GP as said would be ideal for GAD-I was too unwell to ask the relevant questions re side effects/withdrawal. Psych I saw at same time recommended I stay on meds very long term.

On the upside, I'm married to a fantastic guy I've been with since teens but he does confess he finds it hard to understand as has never been there. Also have a fantastic kid who so far has much more of her dad's personality thank goodness.
It's not something you just drop into casual conversation like other illnesses & so over the years have felt increasingly isolated even though the venlafaxine has stabilised me again.
Good to join, share with some folks out there who will understand......
Thanks for reading

18-10-08, 23:12
Hi and welcome. I'm sure you'll get lots of helpful and advise and support here :)


18-10-08, 23:53
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

19-10-08, 06:59
Hi Hamster

:welcome: to NMP.

Mandy xx

19-10-08, 07:08
Hi Hamster,

Welcome to NMP, you will find it a great source of information and support and hopefully make some great friends along your journey to recovery.


19-10-08, 10:23
hello welcome to nmp:hugs: im sure this site will be as much help to you as it is to me

19-10-08, 12:15
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

19-10-08, 12:30

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


19-10-08, 20:00
A big welcome - you're among friends here.


Chris xx

19-10-08, 20:16
Hi :) welcome to NMP!

Simone xx

milly jones
21-10-08, 21:33
welcome to nmp hunny
love milly xxx