View Full Version : Day 10 on the meds

15-10-08, 16:14
Hello everyone,
I've just been reading the replies from my first thread and im kinda choked up! I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for your support and kind words, they are like a breath of wind, helping me to move away the big black cloud over me.
I thought I'd give you all an update on my progress...
I'm still suffering with the side effects, sweating, more paniky than usual, trembling, but im gonna stick it out, i tried the solo way for 5 years and it made me feel worse so im ganna give the citalopram a fair go. I've got a docs appointment 2moro so i'll have a chat with her, see if she thinks she should increase my dose as i had a few suicidal thoughts last night.
On a more positive note, i had to go to the jobcentre on monday which ment psyching myself up for the big bad noisy world, i went, had an attack on the way there but i made myself go to the appt, i must have looked a state but at least i didnt just go back home like last time! Keep well everyone!! if anyone want to chat, send me a message1 thanks for reading my rant!
Im gonna feed the cat now!

15-10-08, 17:13
Hey Becky,

You are doing really well, stick with it - it will get easier soon:)

The suicidal thought can just be down to the meds getting into your system. My advice would be to give yourself a little more time to settle down before thinking about upping the dose. I changed my dose after 6 weeks and wished I hadn't - I had a terrible two weeks becasue of it and once I dropped back down to the original dose I was fine again after a few days.

Well done for going to the jobcenter - you probably didn't look a state at all, just felt like you did:) I have noticed how much anxiety makes you worry about how you appear to others - what you have got to remember is most people wouldn't notice you if they tripped over you!! - they all walk around in their own little world!! If you went to tesco's could you remember the people who were in the previous two aisles - I couldn't :)

Well done and keep going :)

Veronica H
15-10-08, 18:04
:yesyes: Well done for getting to the jobcentre. I take Citalopram and I would give it a bit longer before you increase it. It worked for me after about two weeks. Hang in there.

Veronica :bighug1:

15-10-08, 18:13
hiya matey, you are doing great, i reckon it will take a good 2 weeks before u start noticing changes.

also welldone with job centre you faced your fears and did it.
hugs xxxxxxxx