View Full Version : Cheast pain and anxiety

06-10-08, 00:50

Been diagnosed with anxiety about a year and a half ago, I was perscribed citalopram and diazapam which i used regualy for a year but i didnt notice any diference in the symptoms i was feeling. A year after i started looking into the lyndon method which explained more about my illness than my doctor ever did and after listening to the method I came off all medication(which made no difference to the way i was feeling). I did feel better in myself just because i came off my tablets as i know now that the tablets only paper over the cracks if you know what i mean?. Its just after six months of being off tablets the past few days ive had the same problems ive always had with anxiety (realy bad chest pains) which i can cope with most of the time eg distraction and relaxation(which i dont do enough of) but at the moment im still getting the little bit of doubt in the back of my mind which makes my symptoms much worse than normal and feel that i will always have these problems. i hate feeling like im going to have a heart attack and or drop down dead.

has anyone used or heard of the lyndon method? and does it work?

whats the best way to deal with the chest pain you get?

I also get some other symptoms related to anxiety swallowing problems, racing deart, shaking, sweating, feel dizzy/sick/faint, deprssion and sort of out of body feeling but at the moment can cope with these symptoms its just the chest pains are constant at the moment and realy quite bad and i just can not cope.

Ive heard of people suffering from anxiety for years and that thought alone scares me and im not sure if im right to speek on hear as there are problry people worse off than me who have been suffering for years but i just dont know where else to ask, as i am a 26 year old well built guy and feel embarresed that i get scared over thoughts in my head.

i would appreciate any help


06-10-08, 01:43
I've heard about the method, but personally I'm not a big fan of alternative teraphy. Your anxiety problem is individual. There are circumstances that triggers your anxiety that are probably not the same as others.

Too many doctors write a prescription without sending you off to a trained therapist as well. Anxiety has two faces, the physical and the emotional. The medication can help your body not to overreact, but anyone with anxiety problems needs someone to talk to as wel.
This is just my personal opinion.

Most likely your chest pains comes from overbreathing. Overbreathing is a nemesis for us anxiety suffereres, and causes a lot of trouble. In fact, if you are able not to hyperventilate, a lot of physical symptoms of anxiety and panic will never occur at all.

I overbreath so severe that I actually tear small muscles in my ribcage. You really don't have to overbreathe very much (using you chest) to cause chest pains. Constant chest-breathing make small muscles in your chest that are not supposed to come into action when you are breathing overworked.

But remember - this isn't dangerous, it's just painfull.

06-10-08, 12:09
thanks for your help

06-10-08, 13:45
Join a gym or something honey. That's something I n eed to do as well. Even light exercise done continously over a period of time begins to really bring about a change in your body---AND YOUR MIND. Has your doctor given you any tips about the chest pain? I think you're fine though, perhaps some kind of stretching and massage? stretch out your arms and legs...anxiety builds up so mych muscle tension.

With this HA I've also had symtoms such as chest pain, dizzyness, depression, feeling sick, weak.

You CAN cope dear, you can. I think next time you're around your doctor you should talk to him about the chest pain and how to deal with it. I can't seem to think of an actual way to deal with it. You sound very anxious, worried and tense right now and that just makes things so much worst!

You say you're 26. You are probably 100% healthy. Just don't worry your heart is fine. Rest, relax, exercise, eat right, read books...try to find books about anxiety to help you out.

06-10-08, 14:31
Thanks, it does make me feel better just to talk to others in the same or similar position. sometimes i let the symptoms get the better of me. I have joined a gym its hard to get the motivation to go when im feeling so bad.

Ive just got to get throgh this.

thanks for your help

06-10-08, 14:44
No problem. Do you have an mp3 player? Maybe go out for a walke very day with it on. After a while..try to up the ante and go to the gym and take your walk on the tread mill. Small steps.

06-10-08, 15:00
Yeah i think i will. when i look at the things ive got to do to make me feel better eg go to the gym, keep busy distracting myself and carrying on with my normal life it seems easy to do. But when i have some of the symptoms it seems like doing those things is almost impossible.

going to battle through and get better.

thanks again.