View Full Version : abused as a little girl

celia davies
30-09-08, 17:00
Thought i was over this maybe im not dont know wats goin on in my head at the moment feel so alone,i always ask myself why my dad did this 2 me ive also lost a parent now so why i`ll never know anythin anymore

30-09-08, 17:07
i am sorry hun, if u havent had counselling then i think it would be a good idea as u can be very honest and say exactly wot u need to then work with your therapist to deal with that and learn to cope.

i have answered your other thread and u will find lots support here so keep posting and we will listen hun, sometimes writing it all down is like therapy in itself. hugs xxx

30-09-08, 17:18
Hi Celia,

I am sorry that you have endured these difficult times, you will never know the answer to why but counselling will help you to accept that you were not to blame.

Hugs to you


30-09-08, 17:32
HEY HUN.....i definatly agree with the others go and speak to a councillor hun..it may help...and as for the question y?i dont think you will ever know huni..here for chat xxxxxxxxxxxx

30-09-08, 17:33

I can't begin to know how you are feeling hun, but just wanted to give you a hug and say i hope you feel better soon.

Love and hugs



30-09-08, 17:48
Hiya hun

Counselling would be a good place 2 start if you havent allready had it .....
You will never know why your dad did it but what you have 2 realise is it wasn't your fault you have 2 try and stop thinkin why becus that wont be answered and start thinking Im worth so much and Im going 2 get over this ..It wont be easy and things will be bought up about the past but it will be for the best 2 enable you 2 have a happy future xxx

Big Big Hugs xxx:bighug1:

Titchjd x

30-09-08, 18:25
so sorry this happened to you
this is a safe place to recover,lots of kind people
may i send you lots of love ade xxxx:flowers:
me too as a boy,but not by my dad.

30-09-08, 19:06
I never even met my dad. I am sorry you are still dealing with what happened to you as a child. God bless you.

30-09-08, 20:18
I have never experianced what you have so dont profess to know theanswers. What I can say is I am afather my self or 3 girls Catherine 16, Louise 13 and little gabi 5.
I am 42 years old and recenly was seperated from my girls due to my marrage breakdown. My wife abused my trust.
But you know what I abused myself by telling myself I should have done this and that. I have decided not to abuse myself any more.

What you must realise is you cannot chose your parents so therefore what he did was not in anyway connected to your ways. The big fact in all of this is you can chose your friends and you have more than you realise. Sometimes its the stranger that can really change a life.

But you know you best family relationship and one you will always have is "Yourself" Learn to love yourself and admire,like we all do here how you came through this even though for you it is hard and you are still in the storm, we are outside that storm and we can tell you that beyond it is a blue sky as long as you keep moving ahead.

Be determind do not let what he did beat you up anymore. Its done, You can rewind and rerecord but you can decide what you will now record. and you know sometime its takes the most bitter pill to cure the illness.

You have dont that. We are here like everone eles you will meet to be there to reasure you to laugh and to cry wit you but most of all. You have You.

ox Abacus

milly jones
30-09-08, 20:33
just hugs to give u strength to be able to seek the help to allow u to be able to move on hunny

milly xxx

celia davies
01-10-08, 17:56
Thank u every1 its nice 2 know iv got surport jst wish i had it off my boyfreind,its like im dealin with losin my dad an the abuse i can keep askin questions but never gonna get the answers,i did go an c him wen i was 18 hes mentaly ill now he didnt even seem strong enough 2 do wat he done 2 me i even nearly started feelin sorry 4 him i dont know what i feel anymore its all messed up.
thanks every1 xx

spotty socks
06-10-08, 19:52
I am sending you a big hug, I m sorry i can't be much help to you on this one as it is a bit close to home. My heart goes out to you.
Spotty socks