View Full Version : Neck ache / dizziness

26-09-08, 17:13
Hi folks

I've had a sore neck for a few weeks now (at the bottom of my neck / top of back). I'm sure that this is affecting my dizziness, or maybe causing all of it?

Has anyone else had this? It's really annoying me...any tips on how to get rid of it without taking meds? I've already had some massages etc, but my neck still aches.

Thanks. :)

26-09-08, 17:15
I suffer from neck ache,back ache and headaches all the time.In my case its tension,and that is what it sounds like with you to.:hugs:

26-09-08, 18:46
I am not saying it is the same but I have a problem with my neck I have arthritis this problem causes me to have vertigo

Chronic neck problems, especially arthritis of the cervical spine, can cause problems with dizziness and balance. The complex bony and muscular structures within the neck, especially the many tiny joints, normally provide a constant stream of signals to the brain, helping it to understand the position of the body and how it's balanced. Problems in the neck can disrupt this fine control of balance, leading to a sensation of dizziness.

From BBC website.

26-09-08, 19:03
I agree it is stress making you tighten up your neck and shoulders. I get it all the time.

26-09-08, 20:35
Thanks for the replies. Yep, I thought as much.

It's really annoying tho... I've been swimming to try to relax, but maybe it will take a few more days of excersise and relaxing to shift it. Otherwise, am seeing my GP next week anyway...he does acupuncture, so maybe he will try that.

Thanks again folks.

27-09-08, 15:54
I also suffer from neck & back aches, I also have alot tension in my shoulders. I do belive it is all conected to muscle tension, I don't realize I do it, but I am always shruging my shoulders and clenching my teeth, It has become a habit I have to stop it. I also have been going to the chriopracter, it has seemed to help.


11-12-08, 16:55
It might be tension but how is the tension caused?

I read about this Necprotech device on www.selfbuilder.net. I don't know how good it is but is seems it is fairly cheap so there isn't much to lose from trying it out.

11-12-08, 17:21

Me too with this at the moment. Shoulder and neck is so tense. Teeth clenched. Dizzyiness/lightheaded is the scary part for me. Think its more serious

12-12-08, 22:41
ive had this for a couple of years and only just started with dizzy spells and head pain on one side... DONT do breast stroke, its the worst thing for your neck... find a good osteopath and get it sorted, you wont know yourself xx

Cathy V
12-12-08, 22:46
For a minute there i thought my old pal Dazza was back on the forum :) until i realised it was just another revival of an old thread :weep:

Hope you're doing good wherever you are dazza xxx

07-02-09, 11:23
Hi all, i also suffer the same. dizziness at different times of the day. not spinning vertigo, but more giddiness and a feeling that you arent quite with it. I also have neck ache and tension. Just like *D* i dont realise im doing it but all of sudden i realise i have my teeth clenched and shoulders shrugged. then i let go and within 10 minutes i realise im doing it again. this leads to jaw ache, neck ache, shoulder ache... i have been suffering anxiety and am getting over the nasty thoughts and psicological side of things, but dont seem to able to get rid of the physical side of things yet. i suppose it comes with time. went back to tennis this week after 7 months out, and now i ache cos im out of shape!!! but feeling more tired helps relax. take care all.

07-02-09, 13:17
I so agree with that about the breast stroke!! It is the only way I stay afloat and I had to stop swimming 'cos my neck and shoulders are so bad with arthritis. I felt dizzy and ill when I came out the pool and pain was much worse. X

12-02-09, 21:05
Hi Everyone,

I'm so glad I found this forum, because now I don't feel soo alone. I have neck/back/shoulder pain and I have dizziness off and on. The woozy feeling scares me so much that I find myself tensing my shoulders and feeling really anxious. I dread being dizzy especially when I'm driving, I keep praying that I won't pass out. (I never have).
I'm doing pilates to strengthen these muscles and see my physiotherapist once a week.
I just hate the dizzy/lightheadedness... I had the lightheadedness yesterday, so today I took Ativan and it helped the anxiety and the neck tension.

22-02-09, 12:20
All, I have been suffering with tension in my muscles (upper back and neck) for about two years. I found that a back and shoulder massage once every couple of weeks now keeps this under control... Just having the dead muscle tissues broke down seems to make all the difference.

Additionally, I have seen a chiropractor and when I have been really suffering (especially in my neck) for me it has been a locked (spasming) muscle causing the trouble. In fact as soon as the chiro releases it then any headache goes away instantly and within a few days I feel like a different person...


10-09-09, 20:34
I have such a sore neck, at the back mainly but also the sides and front and it travels up my head. i also have back ache leg ache arm ache... do you reckon its the anxiety? because i have anxiety.

Sarah Virginia
11-09-09, 12:10
I am suffering from giddiness which in turn then brings on a panic attack. I have got arthritis in my neck and go very dizzy when I turn my head to the left which then makes me feel sick. Do you think it could be something serious? I was just getting over panic attacks after suffering with them for a year and now this. I feel so deflated.

11-09-09, 14:59
Hi Guys

Do you experience that your left arm goes numb when you have neck pain? It sometimes feels as though I lose strength in my left arm when I have neck pain. I also feel headache on the side of my head; sometimes left and other times right. My head feels sensitive to touch because of this. The dizziness is a real bummer because I struggle to concentrate at work.

26-09-09, 22:24
Hi all,

I am experiencing what feels like a pulled muscle in my shoulder and getting some pain in the left hand side of my neck. My glands are slightly swollen bt they are usually visable, but its more when i turn my head im hearing a click ing noise, anyone else had something similar. The muscle does feel quite tight and im a very keen golfer which hasnt helped.


26-03-10, 14:50
My tension always seems to go to my shoulders and neck with lightheadedness at times. Also a whoozy feeling if I massage just below collar bone?..I expect all of the muscles are tense.