View Full Version : Any one on seroxat?

22-09-08, 20:01
is anyone here on seroxat?

23-09-08, 09:04
No, I was prescribed it a few years ago but only lasted 3 days on it. I already felt a bit mad and it just mad me convinced that I was made, the side effects were awful, felt completely detatched and didnt sleep at all.

23-09-08, 09:18
Yes, have been for eight years
Came off for 6 months and went back onto it, as I went back to my old ways x 10


21-08-09, 21:10
Hello, my first post. I have been on Seroxat three times, found it helpful because it stopped me worrying about things and gave me confidence to change things in my life that were making me stressful/anxious. The big problem with seroxat for me is coming off, and seems to be worse the longer you are on it. The first times, after a couple of months, i was upset and had the "face shocks", but i was feeling fine after just a few days. At the moment i am struggling to come off after 2 years at 20mg, and am finding it tough going. I would not recommend Seroxat, and wish i hadn't taken it again. if you really need something like this there are easier SSRIs to come off, it is worth really doing your research, DON'T just trust the doc because IMO they play down the problems because they don't want to worry you (understandably!) It has a history of adding more problems to people's lives than they were trying to deal with in the first place. :)