View Full Version : How long do these symptoms last for??

19-05-05, 17:32

I posted a thread a month or so ago, since then i've been on a roller coaster of emotions, possibly more good days than bad (which i suppose in good).

The problem i have is that certain symptoms don't seem to go away i.e. tingling/pins and needles in hands/feet, muscles tight most of the time in neck/mouth/face, had a burning tongue/mouth(had this on and off over past 6 months) for last 3 days but seems to have eased up today.
But my tongue is still going banana's when i speak.

I know many of the people in this forum have had these symptoms?
the question i have is do they go away?
how long have other people had then?
how can i help them subside?

The other problem i have apart from poor concentration/comprehension/is that when i think of something to say, then part of me thinks i can't say it right, then i don't bother saying it at all?? beginning to annoy me more and more, have asked my wife if i'm speaking different but she say's i'm not . I wonder if it's the worrying about talking that's just making me anxious when i speak???

i used to yap constantly without really thinking, now i think about everything and end up stuttering or panicing when i speak.

Has anyone else had this problem??? or is it just good old nasty anxiety?

Just wish i'd get my normal life back , but just can't seem to move on .

Sorry about the ramble.

Your help would be great.


19-05-05, 22:01
Hi Tucker

I have problems with worrying too much about what I am about to say and so not saying it, or when I speak talking too quietly so no one can hear or stuttering. This is because I have social phobia and have had this for a number of years.

I also find depression makes me even less inclined to try talking to people.

If you are worrying about talking then this is probably causing anxiety which causes the stuttering, particularly if this have never been a problem for you in the past.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

19-05-05, 22:22
Hi Tucker,

I totally understand where you are coming from. I have felt the same as you in the past. What I tend to get now, is the odd strange feeling now and again, rather than all at once. How long does it last? Well, I guess it depends on the person, but rest assured it wont last forever.

The more you worry, the more anxious you will get and so on... Its a vicious circle and yes its good old anxiety.

I am sure your wife is right, you dont sound any different, you just feel like you do.

Take care and keep in touch

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

19-05-05, 22:41
The journey to recovery is different for everyone.

**tingling/pins and needles in hands/feet, muscles tight most of the time in neck/mouth/face, had a burning tongue/mouth**

All these are usual anxiety symptoms, they will go when you are calm, relaxed, breathing slowly and deeply and are facing them head on and addressing them.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

20-05-05, 00:27
Hi Tucker

The symptoms you have are very common to anxiety.

These symptoms can last as your anxiety does. [Duh!]
But seriously, if you take a medication like valium for example, you will find these symptoms go away. which proves they are anxiety related.

As valium makes you relax it takes away they symptoms.

So, if you can learn to relax it will help your symptoms go away quicker.

If that makes sense ?

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

20-05-05, 09:33

Thanks for your replies.

Not sure about medication though, had different types over past year or so and they all seem to give me side-effects without really getting to the cause of the anxiety.

I'm pretty sure the symptoms are all anxiety related(especially what i've been through over past 18months). Just hope the go away eventually!

something i do realise is that when i have a few beers(not to much) i seem to calm down and forget about these symptoms, which are causing this anxiety. I'm booked to see an Anxiety Management Specialist soon, so hopefully that will help without taking meds.

Going away for weekend so will see if this makes me better in anyway.

Thanks for your support and hope you're all doing well.


sarah jayne
18-11-09, 08:55
Ive had pins and needles for over a week now and now my tongue is burning. Im glad it anxiety and nothing more serious, i didnt realise that there are so many different symptoms of anxiety.....