View Full Version : Thanks Everyone

Piscian Daydreamer
15-05-05, 11:02
Thanks everyone for your replies and welcoming me to the forum.
Kirsty, you was right in what you said - i am in the same boat as you. Nobody at all knows i suffer from anxiety, because out in the real world i too am a very outgoing person and always joking around. But its what lies beneath the surface isnt it??

I went to the doctor once about my anxiety but he is useless. He put it down to 'tennage stress', but i know it isnt. Ive been suffering from anxiety for years. Like ive said, i do not have panic attacks or anything.... just a continuous feeling of unrest where my mind will never stop thinking and analysing absolutely everything i do constantly. Is there a cure for this sentimentality?

Does anybody else here suffer from a sort of popularity disorder? Where, you are in fact very very popular (i seriously am literally the top dog on my course) - but for some reason you want / need more? Despite having so many friends, i need to control them all, i feel desperate to be even more popular, i am passionate about having a MASSIVE CRU. Do you get what i am saying? None of my friends have any idea i am such a control freak - they just treat me as a kind of leader - but in fact.... i am quite sad?

15-05-05, 12:11
I'm glad you have found the forum useful. Might it help if you spoke openly to your friends about it? :D

15-05-05, 12:27
Like Sarah said is there any of your friends you could confide in?. I understand not wanting to be honest I know that I think if I am completley honest with my friends then they may think Im strange or something but lately when I was having a very hard time I confided in 2 close friends who sort of know Ive had panic attacks and they were understanding you may even find that some of your friends share the same insecurities I know one of mine suffers mild OCD like myself i.e. checking the straightners are off or the iron and then checking again and again and worrying away from home if they are on??, she does similar things and we laugh about it...MB it does feel better to talk about how you feel to someone it is hard but if you have a good mate you think you could then try it!, It is harder for lads though to be open Take care ;)

15-05-05, 18:14
Hi and welcome to the forum. Pleased you have found some help and we are always around to support each other.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-05-05, 22:22
Hi and welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

16-05-05, 12:46
Hi Daydreamer,

Welcome to the forum! I've never had the popularity thing that you speak of, but all of your other issues I can really relate to (I'm naturally super-skinny so ended up becoming a gym instructor, was a virgin until I went to uni, etc. ) To be honest these things really are not as big as they may seem to you (and lots of people at Uni are in a similar position/have similar thoughts). I don't want to ramble here so please PM me if you wanted to chat about these things. I'm *very* sure that your worries about girls will be resolved as soon as you stop looking for anything to happen.

It does sound as though you may need to tackle the popularity obsession a bit -- and recognising it and coming to the forum is a great first step I would say!
