View Full Version : Post Nasal Drip and referral to speech therapist for swallowing problems!

18-08-08, 19:51
As many of you will know I have had the swallowing problem for over 3 years but these last 2 months it has got even worse and is now effecting my eating which it never used to do.

Anyway, I went to see the doctor today just to get reassurance that it was anxiety again and he has done two things:

1) Given me a nasal spray to help the post nasal drip if I do even have one. Of course I daren't take it yet - I hate medication :wacko:

2) Referred me to a speech therapist! I did ask how on earth a speech therapist could help me with problems swallowing and all he said was "you may be surprised and no harm in trying it."

With a post nasal drip wouldn't you taste something?

Has anyone else been referred to a speech therapist for swallowing problems?

He asked me where I felt the "blockage" and I said in my throat area so he said that it wouldn't be sinister then as I would feel it in my neck more. I am now constantly swallowing trying to work out where I do feel it :whistles:

Cheers all

milly jones
18-08-08, 20:01
know nothing bout anxiety swallowing nic, but do work with SALTS with feeding, chewing and swallowing probs with my youngsters at work, (special needs).

they can give u exercises/games to do to help ease swallowing.

hope that helps a little

milly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-08-08, 20:03
If you've had it for so long, you must have had tests and scans to rule out certain things, right? Please don't constantly swallow. Eventually you're tounge will stiffen and you will feel things in your neck!!

hugs to you! I htink you'll be ok, maybe the speech therapist will work!

18-08-08, 20:18

dont know about either but hope you feel better soon

Pooh x

18-08-08, 20:40

Sooooooo know what you mean by the throat thing and it is an absolute nightmare. Once it starts-you can't take your mind of it easily, so we tend to focus on it which goes from swallowing alot to feeling like we can't breath as the throat feels so restricted.

This doctor you have seen have made a few valid points and i really hope it works for you mate.

hope you feel better soon

Love Lisa

18-08-08, 23:26
If you've had it for so long, you must have had tests and scans to rule out certain things, right? Please don't constantly swallow. Eventually you're tounge will stiffen and you will feel things in your neck!!

hugs to you! I htink you'll be ok, maybe the speech therapist will work!

I had the camera down nose 2 years ago and they will not do it again as no reason to apparently as if I had got anything serious since 2 years ago I would know about it apparently.

Thanks for the reply and hugs.

18-08-08, 23:27
Lisa - thanks for listening to me moan over and over about this every day. I know I sound like a broken record sometimes lol

18-08-08, 23:29
I did a bit of research tonight and apparently the speech therapists can help with the swallowing problems so I am looking forward to it if it can help me.

I am prepared to do anything to get rid of this.

I also did the nasal spray tonight - freaked out for 10 minutes once I took it and then calmed down.

19-08-08, 16:30
lol why did the nasal spray freak you out?

19-08-08, 17:26
hi nic
im afraid i know nothing of the swallowing problem but my eldest daughter had to see a speach therapist as she had swallowing problems and problems with her soft palate. . . i was surprised when they refered her to a speach therapist(in fact i thought they had lost the plot) as she has no problems talking believe me, but they were very helpful and gave her exercises to do etc.
let us know how you get on
sending lots of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

19-08-08, 18:21
lol why did the nasal spray freak you out?

:blush: Cos I read the leaflet that comes with it and it said it may interact with some asthma medication so of course I couldn't breathe!:winks:

I will try it again later tonight as well.

19-08-08, 18:56
Hi Nic

I know nothing about swallowing problems, but WELL DONE for been brave and using the nasal spray:yesyes: . I know how much you hate taking meds:ohmy: , i hope the spray helps!:hugs:


19-08-08, 22:49
I tried it again tonight and it freaks me cos I can taste it in my throat and that is hyper-sensitive lol.

Oh I give in with all these drugs!

19-08-08, 23:20
hi nic
im afraid i know nothing of the swallowing problem but my eldest daughter had to see a speach therapist as she had swallowing problems and problems with her soft palate. . . i was surprised when they refered her to a speach therapist(in fact i thought they had lost the plot) as she has no problems talking believe me, but they were very helpful and gave her exercises to do etc.
let us know how you get on
sending lots of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

The doc said something about me learning to swallow badly but I didn't really understand - this may make sense now.

I may have learned to swallow hard etc - we will see!

20-08-08, 01:27
Hi Nic,

Sorry you are still having problems. I do have post nasal drip from allergies and have nasal sprays, they can taste bad but you do eventually get used to it. I don't have problems with swallowing but sometimes feel like my throat is closing up, all together a different problem but I feel your pain. Perhaps your tongue might even be placed in the wrong position when you swallow and the speech therapist might help. I had to go to a speech therapist after wearing braces because my teeth moved so much. I do hope it works for you.

Many hugs,


20-08-08, 22:37
Thanks Laura

Having a really bad time with throat today - felt rubbish at work all day and came home and burst into tears on the phone to my mum.:weep:

The swallowing is so so bad at the moment and of course the more anxious I get the worse the throat gets.

I have never had it this bad before and I am constantly coughing, gagging and clearing my throat.

I am so so fed up of this and can't get any relief from it at the moment.

Fed up tonight and feel so drained with the anxiety all day as they do not know at work so I have to hide it.:wacko:

I just want to be free of this and feel well.:mad:

20-08-08, 23:51
Aww Nic

Sorry to hear you have been struggling today mate!:hugs:

I dont no anything about swallowing problems but can imagine how awful it must be:ohmy: !

I think you are so brave going to work feeling as rotten as you do:hugs: . Your a true fighter Nic so be bl**dy proud of yourself for not giving in. I truely hope things improve for you soon!

Ring or text me anytime mate.

love and hugs as always
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

21-08-08, 18:37
Thanks Andy :hugs:

Alex is away at the moment so I guess yesterday was just one of those days I could have done with a cuddle.

21-08-08, 18:56
Aw nic sorry your still suffering. I know what its like as i still get bouts of it too.
Did you try the ice cubes or the iced water i mentioned a while back..it helps me.
Is there a particular time when yours is worse?
Mines worse after i have a meal, then i get the mucus in the throat and then constant clearing of the throat which lasts for an hour or a few hours, depending on if i can manage to distract myself as it gives me a really sore throat and my voice ends up being really croaky.
I really feel for you hun its so hard to hide when your at work and you must feel really exhausted by it all, you need some rest.
I wish there was some help you could get to give you some ease.
I really hope you feel better very soon.
Take care

21-08-08, 19:26
Well heres a cuddle for today Nic:bighug1: :bighug1: !

Hope todays been a better one for you:hugs: .


21-08-08, 19:47
how are you feeling now? im sorry you had such a miserabe day. I know that feeling. I have a stuffy nose and sneezing right now, with this tightness and pain on the right side of my bead and neck.

21-08-08, 20:49

I tried sucking ice pops - had loads of them but to be honest it made no difference and I am finding it hard at times to have food in my mouth as it makes me gag and I think I am going to choke. This is how bad it has got lately.

I managed to eat ok today and although the swallowing is not better I managed to keep the anxiety under control. Last night I was so drained with it that I slept from 11.30pm until 6am which is good for me.

I seem to be coughing all the time to try and clear the throat at the moment.

Surviving at work is hard as I just have to put on a brave face and pretend I am fine when in fact all I want to do is cry and go home!

I do hope this therapist can help me get some relief as I can't carry on like this.

21-08-08, 20:52
Andy/Yanks - thanks for the thoughts and well wishes.