View Full Version : Shaking inside

18-08-08, 18:25
Hi I'm new to this site. I have been suffering the old shaking inside the body thing. Although I know from reading up on this its anxiety, I find it hard to accept when I don't think i'm that anxious. Been getting it lately, sometimes wakes me up in the night or first thing in the morning.

I'd be grateful for any tips to help.



18-08-08, 18:39
Hi coco

welcome a long to nmp

If you ahve a scoot about the site youll find this is a really common symptom of anxiety. There are lots of people who will relate

Nice to have you along

Pooh x

18-08-08, 18:47

thanks, will do. I did think that something awful was wrong with me, but i know there's not, hopefully it will go soon.



milly jones
18-08-08, 19:15
hi coco

welcome to nmp

glad u decided to join

milly xxxx

18-08-08, 20:07
I am the same , i think all the weird feelings i get make me anxious, welcome, the people on this site are super nice, I hope you find some comfort in knowing we are all in the same boat x

18-08-08, 20:14
Thanks for the replies, its nice to know other people take the time to read and send messages of advice and support. I also find myself clenching my jaw alot of the time with out even realising it. I'm sure this is all part of the circle, but its the wierd shaking inside that drives me mad.

Thanks again


18-08-08, 20:49
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
The shaking you are experiancing is normaly due to an over build up of adrenalin in your body, you may find doing some excersise will give you some releaf from this. Anxiety is the main cause of this.
You will get lots of help and support from all the great members here.


Patrick S
19-08-08, 11:41
From reading your post and the following thread I've just come to understand the shaking that I start doing when I am anxious. Normally If I'm at home, I will start the shaking and get very cold, I normally get into bed to relieve it.
Just reading your post has relieved me from the fear that it might be something else.

19-08-08, 12:53
Hello Coco And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

Captain America
19-08-08, 14:16
hi! does yours feel like there's a train going by the house, but there's not? that's how mine feels. actually since quitting smoking 10 days ago i've only felt it once, so i've put mine down to nerves/anxiety.

20-08-08, 10:25
Captain America

Hello, it sort of feels like that, trembling inside, mainly in my arms. If I take about 10 long, slow deep breaths it stops, try to relax or do something to take mind mind off of it. Looking on this website has given me the insight that it is anxiety that is causing it. Well done for giving up smoking, hope the shaking continues to stop.


20-08-08, 20:46
Hi Coco

Just wanted to say :welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.