View Full Version : Hi Im New!

11-08-08, 15:02
Hi there,

I am a 26 year old female currently living in London. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for about 5 years now but have never sought medical advice. In the past I have been able to control the anxiety and been able to lead a fulfilling life but recently it has gotten progressively worse! I have also started experiencing new symptoms such as shortness of breath and thinking I am going to stop breathing!!! Very scary especially when I have never had this anxiety symptom before!! I have told a few of my close friends about this before and most of them have been very nice and supportive but they do lack the understanding as none of them have experienced anything like this before themselves! I have also told my boyfriend before but not in any depth beacuse he too lacks the understanding! I have actually only really met one other person who has had it before like me! So I kind of feel quite alone in all of this sometimes! Signing up to this website has been the first real acknowledgement that I may need to seek some external help! Its really really nice to know that there are heaps of other people exactly like me :)
Also i just wanted to ask a quick question. I read recently that pas and anxiety will lead to agoraphobia if not treated early! Does this mean that I should go to my doctor and get prescribed something?? I have never been on any medications before in my life apart from the pill and really want to avoid them! Thanks for reading this :)
RR xxxx

11-08-08, 15:17
Hiya and welcome 2 NMP .....I like you have suffered with anxiety and panic over many years and until say beginning of last year it never really affected my daily life I still was able 2 work etc .......I have been on meds 4 nearly 15months ....I am currently agoraphobic and off work as it got progressively worse ..However that I feel is because I didnt deal with my problem at the start ...not by meds i mean by having an understanding of what is happening to me .
It is very important 2 understand what is exactly happening 2 you when you have a PA and how 2 control it and not be scared of what you feel .Meds can help you 2 feel in more control while you learn how 2 acept your anxiety etc but its eventually the knowledge and understnding that will help the most .

Im doing CBT soon thats an option 4 u .
Well take care and get some literature on anxiety 2 help .I have Claire Weekes at the moment but have others aswell which are helping .

Titch xxxxxx

11-08-08, 15:24
Thanks for your replys,

I think I will make an appointment to see a doctor this week. I'm a bit scared of what they will say! Its weird but even from the very beginning of my anxiety I have been aware that it is just anxiety and that fact has always gotten me through them! However the research that I have been doing recently has given me an even greater awareness of what is going on in my body while I am freaking out and has helped heaps! I wouldnt say that my anxiety is really severe at the moment but I know that it has the potential to get worse if I dont do something proactive about it! xxxRR

11-08-08, 16:32
Welcome :)

11-08-08, 20:01
Hi RubyRed,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


11-08-08, 21:46

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Miss Alissa
12-08-08, 11:16

I'm kind of in a similar position to you and would be interested to know what your doctor said. I'm 27 and have always suffered with anxiety, but like you have become pretty adept at recognising it for what it is and dealing with it. But then out of nowhere it finds a new way to manifest itself and freak you out! I know my where my current anxious state is coming from so I am convinced I can just ride it out but then another part of me thinks that maybe it would be good to talk to somebody about it. It's a hard one to call! I don't really know how contacting people on this site works but feel free if you want to talk - I'm in a pretty similar situation and also don't really feel I can readily talk to any of the people around me about this - as lovely and understanding as they are!

Hope you're ok!

Take care



12-08-08, 14:48
Hi hun, :D:hugs:


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



12-08-08, 16:33
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

12-08-08, 19:37
Hi Ruby Red

Welcome to the site. No it is not a foregone conclusion that anxiety and panic attacks untreated leads to agoraphobia. The trigger for agoraphobia is using avoidance as a means of escaping anxiety and panic symptoms. I used avoidance and ended up becoming agoraphobic. The way out of agoraphobia is to do the opposite and just get on with life as best you can. Easier said than done I know but it is achievable. It is best if possible not to go down that route so however bad your anxiety is do not let it stop you going out and enjoying your life.
All the best

12-08-08, 21:15

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


13-08-08, 14:01
Hello Rr And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
13-08-08, 20:17
Hi hun

a warm nmp welcome to u

hope that u gain as much support and help here as i do

love milly xxxx